The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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Blue Heron Bridge.... Way to crowded, newbie central, 15' deep. Might be nice if there wasnt so many newbie's kicking up sand and fisherman trying to reel in a 400lb blue diver :) Kind of like diving in a very small aquarium... Best time to go definitely at night and on a very high tide. Maybe 10pm slack on a week day might work.
As Jet mentioned above, we dove for 2 hours today. Current was pretty hefty at the beginning of the dive but viz was awesome today, guessing 40ft+.

Below are some still frames from the video I shot today. Lots of Blennies, Octopi and the Seahorse that Jet mentioned. I may have to split photos between posts due to pic limits, but here goes:

Great pics Doug. Very blennylicious.

Here's the second batch:

Love the shots of the octos working it.
I think there is too much talk about the seahorses. I know the 2nd set very well & have seen them mate twice. I have seen them together for a long time & I would hate to have a hoard of divers hang around them as we all did the orange ones.
I have asked before to be careful how much info you post & the detail in the photos. When the video was posted of the orange ones I knew within 20 seconds where I could find them. I went there twice but with all the divers decided once I had seen them that was enough for me. I am very concerned about collectors removing them or too many divers disrupting their peace while the male is pregnant, in fact I haven't been back to these 2 in 3 months.
Just a thought
I suspect they are pretty intelligent creatures. They seem to know when they should feel threatened and will interact when they are not.

Very cool.

When I was working for an aquarium up north fish kept mysteriously disappearing from quarantine. They finally set up a video camera. The giant pacific octopus was escaping from his habitat at night, stealing fish and returning home before morning.
The Video Dude and I had a nice two-hour dive this morning. Water temp 77, viz was a good 40 ft - the best I've seen in a long time. There was a really strong current at the beginning that had me kicking a bit, probably why viz was so good. With the warm air temps I think it's almost time to hang up the 5mm for season - almost didn't need it again today.

Happy to see some familiar faces in the parking lot on a random Tuesday morning!

Our goal was to find Puff, look for frog fish and sailfin blennies. Instead of Puff I think we found Mrs Puff (Puffette). Same area but she(?) did not appear to have an egg pouch and the markings look different from last week's find. Video Dude shot lots of footage so hopefully we'll be able to tell. Sailfin blennies were there but I don't think we got an extended sail. No luck on the frog fish but I did find an extremely rare Saw Buck Fish Dollarus Hamiltoni X and right after a Fin Fish Dollarus Lincolni V!!

I did snap a photo of the Saw Buck Fish:
View attachment 93178

I have to admit even though I am a purest ... I collected these two:
View attachment 93179
(If anyone thinks they are yours please provide detailed descriptions :D)

Lots of octopi around and some are getting quite friendly:
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Fully nekkid horse conch:
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And Puffette (maybe) side by side with Puff (from last week):
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Talking about Frog Fish. I talked to friend who told me that during last Force- E night dive he saw a Dwarf Frog Fish
Talking about Frog Fish. I talked to friend who told me that during last Force- E night dive he saw a Dwarf Frog Fish

I shot a dwarf frog fish there back in 09

Saw this group today in a dark area. Shined my light on them and all 4 took up a defensive pose. Very cool!
Oh yeah . Flooded my Sealife again today. No pics.

No seahorses. They rode off into the sunset.
79º today. 3mm next time.
Crowded conditions. Need I say more.

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