The continuing sagas of the Blue Heron Bridge

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Saw this group today in a dark area. Shined my light on them and all 4 took up a defensive pose. Very cool!
Oh yeah . Flooded my Sealife again today. No pics.

No seahorses. They rode off into the sunset.
79º today. 3mm next time.
Crowded conditions. Need I say more.

80 degrees I break out the 1 mil.
Any word on the construction on the east side being completed as scheduled?


Not "completed as scheduled" - it was supposed to be done this month. According to Rich at Admiral's Club it will be done "soon."
Changes in colours and movements catch my eye.

And that had something to do with finding that (apparent) piece of gunk?? Are you sure yer eyes don't pick up UV or something? :D

If you start noticing someone lurking near you down there. . .

Not "completed as scheduled" - it was supposed to be done this month. According to Rich at Admiral's Club it will be done "soon."

I find that I'm often skeptical of one who speaks with as much enthusiasm as the Admiral. :D

I've been pondering his place more and more as a temporary abode. I'm a cheap skate, so I'm thinking that maybe I could talk some other out-of-towners into sharing one of his rooms-for-four whilst visiting the bridge - once the east span re-opens.

Shoot me a PM if you be one of those and have some interest. We could stick a broomstick down the middle of the beds like me and my brother used to do. Actually, I keep a ("portable") bed in the back of my minivan that would serve just fine. That location would be massively handy. . . I've included a pic of his place. His dock and big old boat obscures his property. The yellow place is next door.



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Saw this group today in a dark area. Shined my light on them and all 4 took up a defensive pose. Very cool!
Oh yeah . Flooded my Sealife again today. No pics.

No seahorses. They rode off into the sunset.
79º today. 3mm next time.
Crowded conditions. Need I say more.

Ouch, that hurts. FYI, you never type out the whole word as it is bad luck. If you must type it do something like fl**ded.
Ouch, that hurts. FYI, you never type out the whole word as it is bad luck. If you must type it do something like fl**ded.

I'm a topside shutterbug and I have always approached underwater photography with trepidation due to fl**ding possibilties. Going back to the KISS principle and buying the new Sealife mini for record shots at the Bridge. No camera in fl**d.

And now I'm really safe because I'm using********.
I'm a topside shutterbug and I have always approached underwater photography with trepidation due to fl**ding possibilties. Going back to the KISS principle and buying the new Sealife mini for record shots at the Bridge. No camera in fl**d.

And now I'm really safe because I'm using********.

It's not a question if if, it's a question of when. I have fl**ded 2 strobes and 1 housed DSLR. I have also lost a complete camera due to putzing around with my flag and not paying attention.

Insure everything. My housing has nothing that will be damaged if it fl**ds, so I have a 2nd camera body just in case. Rince out the housing, let it dry, and go to the back up camera and lens.

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