The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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Kev, I love this picture. The composition is just so different from what we usually see down there. Thanks for sharing.
Kev, hope the knee is feeling better. I can totally sympathize, having suffered sprains and stretch ligaments in both knees. Never needed any surgery, but man do I creak when I use the stairs!

I'm dying to know what the slime thing is. I've been curious ever since you posted the original picture. Good job of capturing a picture of the actual source of the strand. I have to admit, I'd be a bit too queasy to get too close to it!

I down loaded my pictures from Sunday's outing on Kev's boat. I think Kevin captures the essence of Boynton better than I do, and I was trying a new lens for the first time, but here we go.

Glassy Sweepers


This one is not a great shot, but it is the first one I have been able to get. The Reef Fish ID book says that this is uncommon in Florida, but I see them every time I dive with Kevin.

Bluespotted Cornetfish

Green Moray

French Angel

Blackbar Soldierfish

Spotfin Butterflyfish
Thanks Fishy, nice shots. Good to see others perspective also! Adds another dimension to the beauty of Boynton diving (with Underwater Explorers, of course!!)
Once again, UW Explorers delivered the goods today. Scubaboard was well represented with Mr. & Mrs. H2oSkier (+1), ScubaBill (+1), LowvizWiz, Tasdiver, and myself between the morning and afternoon trips.

Tas and I buddied up and saw a nice sized turtle, the usual morays, a new snake-like eel (sharptail), tons of the usual fish, and we bagged four lobsters between us after encountering a bunch of pregnant or small ones (should be a lot more of baby bugs coming soon :) ). Water temp is holding at 82 but viz was a bit off at 30-40' due to a west wind blowing overnight and into the morning.

Thank you Kevin and Alex for another great morning on the water :wink:

The cool eel:
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Hey Kevin, this is Nicole, wanted to say thanks for a great day of diving on Saturday!

Once again, UW Explorers delivered the goods today. Scubaboard was well represented with Mr. & Mrs. H2oSkier (+1), ScubaBill (+1), LowvizWiz, Tasdiver, and myself between the morning and afternoon trips.

Hey Brian, It was nice finally putting a face with the name. Thanks for the heads up on the open spot!:D Good seeing you again Mr. & Mrs. H2o! When is she getting her own SB account?:shakehead: j/k

Kev, Alex & Alex - thank you for a great trip. Kevin, outstanding briefing and de-briefing of the reefs I want to see that clay model finished.
Nicole, where's Kev's flashlight? :rofl3: It was good meeting you and Bill too.

There was a nasty layer of green water on top, but it would open up at around 20'-25' to a decent 40' of viz. Hey anything over 10' is good for me!
There were no bugs to be had in the afternoon, but plenty of life... I was sorry I didn't take my camera down.

Hey Kevin, this is Nicole, wanted to say thanks for a great day of diving on Saturday!


Hi Nicole, I didn't realize you were "one of us" :D

Hey Brian, It was nice finally putting a face with the name. Thanks for the heads up on the open spot!:D
There were no bugs to be had in the afternoon, but plenty of life... I was sorry I didn't take my camera down.


Hey Wiz, It was good to meet you as well :)
Don't forget Kev has a 4-tanker this Saturday and a 4-tanker charity dive on 11/1. The 4-tank dives are excellent for boosting the dive count this late in the year.
Sorry about the lack of crustaceans, when we do a reef clean-up, we scour it :)

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