The big reg purchase: comments?

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Reaction score
Washington, DC
# of dives
50 - 99
I'm going to join the herd and bounce my impending reg purchace off the board. Those who wish to comment may do so. Seems like there's a lot of Aqualung / Apeks purchases going on this summer...

I am OW, 12 dives, AOW is pending. Of course I hope to do plenty of warm water diving but living in DC I will also be working up to diving the wrecks off North Carolina. It doesn't look like there's much under 60 fsw there. Plan to learn nitrox after AOW. Don't know what my temperture limits are, because I don't know enough about local temps. Let's just say I don't plan on getting a dry suit for a couple years.

Here we go. The prices include the rebates for each (and tax)

Package one: Price $485
Aqualung Titan LX
Aqualung ABS Octo
Mares SPG

Dealer comments: Sings praises of reg but in the same breath doesn't recommend it for divers who regularly plan to go deeper than 60 feet. Said I would definately notice a difference in breathing at greater depths. (Anybody take issue with that?)

Package #2 Price $656 (For comparison: no-warranty online cost is $528)
Apeks ATX50 or TX50
Apeks ATX20 Octo
Mares SPG

Dealer comments: "It will breathe the same at 120' as it will on the surface." ... Says the only difference between the ATX50 and the TX50 is the 1st stage swivel. (Is not the size different too? Anything else?) Recommended TX50 because non-swivel delivers air better. Said that the optional free flow controller was "not worth the money."

Extras with packages... $15 per stage service as opposed to $25. Also, $100 off any Suunto computer.

Okay... fire away. How do the numbers look? Any contest to what the dealer said. I admit I'm leaning toward the Apex, but that's just the gearhead in me thinking I'll get more respect from the tech divers. :wink:
Well, I am sure that I will be the first of many, but here goes:

The Aqualung Titan LX is a nice reg. It breathes excellently into the intermediate depths. The way that some people explain its performance is a little frustrating. They make it seem like as soon as the gauge reads 60 the thing takes a crap and you end up hoovering. What is meant and should be a little more emphasized is that if you paid attention to absolutely nothing around you, but your breathing it would be about 60 ft. when you noticed a change in the rate of breathing. I would say that the bigger change would be at about 90-100 ft. The only beef I have with the package presented to you is that it is not the supreme version. two reasons. You are considering getting into the cold water game, and if you do, gear is half the battle. second, if you want to be doing some diving in the ocean and the saltier waters, the environmental seal does wonders for both preventative, and annual maintenance (speaking from pboth perspectives). The ABS is a not too bad, but not too great octo.

As for the second package, i have never heard of the AT50 nor do I think it exists as it is not listed on the apeks site (look for yourself He may be referring to the DS4 first stage, and although it is a great performing first stage (i use two) I would hesitate on its functionality for a single tank recreational diver, as you are limited in ports and in configuration. I know alot of divers in your situation who bought the swivel version and enjoyed it thoroughly, and no offense if you are just starting out a failing swivel turret is at the end of your list of concerns as they are very well made.
As far as gauges go a gauge is a gauge. If you can read it, it is good.

That being said if money is not an object I would recommend the apeks as it has the environmental kit included eliminating any updgrades in the future. On the other hand you are not shorting yourself by getting the Aqualung.

Where the hell do you have your service done? that sounds kinda pricey.......
i have never heard of the AT50 nor do I think it exists as it is not listed on the apeks site

oops. I meant TX50 .. I'll change it in the original post. So, yeah, it is the DS4 first stage, the clerk never mentioned DIN. Thanks for pointing that out.
ATX50 sold as a package usually comes with DST first stage...

Man, what a place to make a typo.

ATX50 comes with the DST
TX50 comes with the DS4
same price, my choice.
LeFlaneur penned:
I'm going to join the herd and bounce my impending reg purchace off the board.
I can tell you only that I like--no, respect--my Titan LX. It's the first reg I bought and still my primary. I've used it in cold water (39 degrees F, 100 ffw) and deep (133 feet max on a 46-minute dive with average depth 52 feet), and it has misbehaved once when I took it out of my mouth in 40F water and pressed the purge valve (don't ask). OTOH, I have less than 50 hours on it so it's pretty new.

I know this might sound like a paid promo but I'm just a new-ish diver who's happy with what the LDS sold him, and maybe not all that sensitive to reg pressure tuning.

I would go with package #2 the atx50 is a great reg, its like breathing naturally. Though I do not think the atx20 octo is suited to cold diving. I went with the atx40 for an octo.
Man, what a place to make a typo.

ATX50 comes with the DST
TX50 comes with the DS4
same price, my choice.

I am surprised to hear that TX50 comes on DS4, but it's quite possible.

DST (2 hp ports, turret version of DS4) does not have those potential limitations of DS4 mentioned by rescuediver009.

TX50 second stage is older model and is slightly larger in diameter than ATX50.

DST is generally more expensive than DS4, unless it's our DIR friends who are buying. Then DS4 is in demand - it is smaller than DST and has one less possible failure point.

ATX50 second is more expensive than TX50 second. Never seen it to be sold for less than ATX50.

Don't skimp on pressure gauge. $15 may make a difference between one that is just OK and one that is excellent and has clear and easy to read face even in murky water.

I do not have any experience with Aqualung regs, but I am positive they'll do just fine bellow 60'. :)
I can tell you only that I like--no, respect--my Titan LX. It's the first reg I bought and still my primary. I've used it in cold water (39 degrees F, 100 ffw) and deep (133 feet max on a 46-minute dive with average depth 52 feet), and it has misbehaved once when I took it out of my mouth in 40F water and pressed the purge valve (don't ask). OTOH, I have less than 50 hours on it so it's pretty new.

I know this might sound like a paid promo but I'm just a new-ish diver who's happy with what the LDS sold him, and maybe not all that sensitive to reg pressure tuning.


Do you have a Titan LX or a Titan LX Supreme??
The Titan LX is not made for cold water diving and i would really reconsider taking it down to a 100 ft with water temperature of 39 degree!! You are putting your life in the hands of this reg which is not designed for this situation!
At least, get a second first stage so you'll have two seperate systems...

As for the question TX50 vs Titan:
It depends where and when you want to dive. If you want to dive in really cold water etc. get the Apeks because it is enviromental sealed. If you only want to dive in nice warm waters, both are fine...
MarcHerm sagely observed:
The Titan LX is not made for cold water diving and i would really reconsider taking it down to a 100 ft with water temperature of 39 degrees! You are putting your life in the hands of this reg which is not designed for this situation! At least, get a second first stage so you'll have two seperate systems.
Marc makes an excellent point, which I should have done in my post. Learn and adhere to the limits your manufacturer sets on your gear. I should have added that my cold-water use of the Titaln LX wasn't intended to be an endorsement or recommendation of that use, just a summary of my own (peak) experiences with it. Thanks, Marc.

As a postscript, on that particular day I was with my LDS owner and an Instructor, which is a reason although not an excuse for doing it. I do dive with a second complete system (pony bottle*), but thanks, Marc, for pointing out my omission. My baaa.:)


* Many will observe that a pony should be 80ft³ or more and mounted on the back of your buddy.

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