The best of 2006

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For me watching my 15 year old daughter get certified. The picture I have on my desk at work of the two of us together at 40 feet in a cold silty lake in Jasper means more than all the other dives put together. Now I just need to get my older kids in the water. With luck my favourite dive of 2007 will be all four of us diving together.
Best sight, a lobster the size of a loaf of bread trying to find somewhere to hide as we sailed by on a drift dive in Coz. It would have taken a pound of melted butter to coat all of him.
2006 ain't over, but the most exciting moment for me this year (my first year diving!) was my close encounter with a Stellar's sea lion last week during a dive for my AOW class. It was probably only a few seconds long, but the thing swam right past me from behind, only 10 feet away or so. It was a BIG one too. Turned around once to look at us, then swam off into the distance. Sweet!
The first (and only) time I dove with my son and daughter together. Nothing special about the dive itself...

You know...

Two sets of lessons and dive gear for the kids--$4,978

Seafood lunch after the dive--$87.50

Listening to your 11 year old daughter rate your 18 year old son on his diving--PRICELESS

An incredible shark feed in the Coral sea's Osprey reef with Mikeballs spoilsport crew headed by Shea! This is not a paid advertisement but a moment in time where all involved turned what is an everyday event for them into a life time memory for me!!! and they deserve the credit!

Joe Margagliotti
My best of 2006 was my cavern class that I took in July, and I am about to take Intro to Cave at Ginnie Springs next weekend. I can't wait for Intro, I have been waiting for it for atleast 3 years if not 4 or 5. As for 2007, I see myself trying to hit as many caves as I can
The Oriskany! Words really can not descibe it. I don't think I'll top that for a long time.

The Spiegel Grove in March "Great".
My first 1 hr Dive at 90' vez 100' in the drift off West Palm Beach, Fl. Turtles, beautiful coral reefs, got to ride a turtle, saw school of porpoises 15-20 swimming around us, flipping us with there tails, will post picture soon.
Had to think about that a bit, then hard to choose between two. One was a self revelation about my ability or progress; realizing having put pieces together to comfortably experience, with surprising ease, an hour long chain reaction of unexpected events.
But probably most notable as it included practical as well as esthetic was my latest Manta dive. It started off with finding a Dragon Moray upon descent. Then felt I handled another divers rude and oblivious crashing into me well (we’d been stationary for a while.) The DM saw it happening and was speeding over but I’d calmly protected and cleared myself before he got there and I didn’t let it bother me, unlike the last time someone did the same thing with no apology. We went on a tour and I kept finding wonderful things. Cool enough it was a struggle to tear myself away to go see what someone else’s insistent “ya gotta come see this” was, just one notable sighting after another. Then back to the Manta show with quite a few eels all over people that never noticed. I felt lucky I saw the one coming to check me out, I’d hate to have missed it. The best was a very, very large eel wind around the legs, crotch, torso and arms of a fellow and was traveling down around one arm towards his face while he was looking away watching the Mantas. When he turned his head front and center he was eyeball to eel snout, priceless. The cherry on top was when I settled in to safety stop and watch the over all show. I’d buried my light in my BC but there was enough from the rather large number of boats it was like a full moonlit night and great vis.
Three mantas showed up, I tucked into a ball and barrel rolled inside their swoops around me. Yeah, I really liked that dive the best.
This is a tough one.

My best day of diving this year was when I dove the Piegal Grove, the Eagle and the Duane in one day. It was amazing! I can't wait to do it again.

My best dive, like many others, was the Oriskany back in July. I want to go back next Summer and see how the life has developed!

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