Ok, what do officeworkers earn? Here we have 40 hour workweeks. If you earn 4000-4500 euro a month, that is more than average here, the average monthly salary is way much lower. So without tax, 2500-3000 is left. But let's say you want to earn 3000 net, which is enough to live in most countries in Europe.
There are on average 22 workingdays in a month, so let's make it easy, 20. This means you will earn 150 euro a day. Costs to travel to work are 20 euro a day, so you have 130 euro a day left.
To finish university here with student depth of a cost of 20.000 euro is quite normal, so these 20.000 euro need to paid back from the salary of 130 euro a day.
Doing the instructor courses will costs probably less. But let's say it is the same (I don't talke about user levelcourses as you are no instructor yet, I don't talk here about courses to stay current as instructor).
If you want to teach diving and you want to have money for equipment replacement, some money for new courses to develop yourself, insurance, etc, what do you need to earn per day then?
The normal healthinsurance in my country is about 160 euro per month and is also paid form the 130 euro a day. So I only talk about the dive insurance for an instructor.
So what is a reasonable salary so you can also pay your investments needed to stay current as instructor and own good equipment?
How many tax do you pay over 500 dollar/euro in Mexico? how many days do you work in the instructor role every month? 20? Then if you get 250 euro a day after paying tax, you have 120 euro left per day for equipment, entrance fees, insurance, fuel, and courses to stay current. This is then 120*20 euro a month. Is this enough or not?
I know there are differences between working for a boss and being your own boss. But that is quite hard to make calculations in this topic for. I want to hold it simple. If you are a really self employee without a boss or company you work for, your insurance is higher than for the officeworkers. But the salary per hour also. This differs from 30 to 80 euro on average per hour. But to do some calculations, it is quite hard.
In Mexico, food and fuel are cheaper than in Europe or the USA. So daily costs are lower. So probably the average montly salary is also lower. Do instructors need to earn western wages or wages according to the country where they live?