Several years ago I walked through town multiple times and the same hawker approached me every time I passed the shop he was working for, trying to sell me whatever their wares were. One time that happened I stopped and asked him, faux seriously, "Do I look like a tourist to you???" I was wearing shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and a canvas wide brimmed hat, and I had a camera hanging around my neck. I was probably sunburned.
We looked at each other for a beat, and then he busted out laughing. After that, every time I passed him he just grinned and waved.
OMG a very similar thing happened to me just this past December. I was staying at Casa Mexicana and walked to Tres Pelicanos every day briefly along Melgar with some of our scuba gear. Every day we would pass by a man who tried to get us to go on a tour or sell us something. Every day he’d say something to us, like, “Hey Scuba Divers, wanna go on a tour to the mainland?”, “Hey Scuba Divers, wanna rent a scooter?” Of course, we said “no” and just walked on by.
By the 5th day, I got a little annoyed that he kept accosting us every single day when he knew we were scuba divers and we dived every day and we weren’t going on any tours to the mainland! So I stopped that day and said, “ Look, we pass by every day and we say no every day. Does it look like we’re gonna go on a tour to the mainland?” There was a pause, he took my hand, patted my back and chuckled in a friendly way, and said, “I know man, I’m just trying to make a living. My boss is looking at me over there.” At that moment, he transformed into the guy next door. I reciprocated and patted his back and said, “Hey, no worries. You gotta do what you gotta do.” We were all good.