Tampa Bay Area Divers, Part 4

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I also managed to bag a cert as well today my open water scuba instructor you probably had more fun than me though.I personally found the whole exam thing nerve wracking.Cant remember the last time I had a descent nights sleep.

I don't doubt that - I'm about 1/2 way through my DM now - which reminds me I have to go study... ;-)

The DPV was a blast - kinda silly to have to "pay" to get certified on it but tooling around with that thing gets kinda addictive. They had me going through hula hoops on an obstacle course...


p.s. Congrats on the OWSI!
Get the navigation info from Rich, I wasn't navigating, but it's not far from the Gunsmoke. It's much larger and more interesting, but approximately the same depth.
I counted 16 Jewfish on the Fin Barge and there was one really big Jewfish on the Gunsmoke.

Damn, I would have loved, loved, loved, to have been there. I really like the Golitaths! Anything else "special" Walter?
Fin Barge 85'
27°29.718 83°05.699

Gunsmoke 80'
27°33.523 83°05.069

They're about 4 miles apart.

Walter didn't see the turtle, cuz when he was down the turtle was up, and vice versa!

Damn, I would have loved, loved, loved, to have been there. I really like the Golitaths! Anything else "special" Walter?

Well there were the tuna and the bait balls...
5/19/06 to 5/21/06
What a fun weekend … my friend Tammy had her very first ocean dive and my son and I did his first deep dive. Ok let’s start from the beginning … We drove in Friday afternoon to find Mr. Margarita man (aka George) with the worlds best margaritas waiting on us … after a great night of hanging out with edivers Tim, Marco, Cliff, Tammy, and of course Irish we went out to dive the next morning .. This was Tammy’s first dive and the trill of watching her discover the beauty of the bottom of the ocean was so much fun. OMG when she saw the goliath grouper she almost exploded with joy. Well her excitement spilled all over us and soon she was weaving tales of the ocean that kept us all in stitches the rest of the night. Sunday morning my son and I did the Eagle for the first time … what a great wreck and boy did cliff come thru .. with his underwater scooter. With rides for all he passed out smiles like it was candy. So who is boy with the most toys?? Cliff .. yeaaa. The dive was beautiful with large Tarpon swimming about, we did a couple of swim troughs that where a lot of fun, good vis and very little current. I can’t wait to do it again in July for “Invade the Keys”
Pm reef dives … Tammy’s first dive
One 70 ft dive and one 20 ft dive
Tammy did two 20 ft dives on horseshoe reef near the underwater habitat.
5/21 am The eagle
100 ft
Victory reef
40 ft
The Eagle is my favorite dive of all time. I don't dive it nearly often enough these days. The horseshoe is the shallow area of Conch Reef. I've never heard of Victory Reef, I think some folks are coming up with different names for the same old reefs.

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