Tampa Bay area Divers, Part 2.

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Sounds like a great trip yesterday.
I finally have another free weekend coming up. May 6 and 7. I would love to do some diving. Beach or Boat, I don't care. If anyone has any plans for the weekend and get fit an extra let me know.
Sounds like a nice day on/in the water. Too bad I was out of town.

So, what's happening for the coming weekend, 4/29-30? Haven't seen any mentions yet.

Also, any firm plans for 5/6-7 weekend yet? I know a couple of ideas were tossed out there, but nothing in concrete.

April 29th its looking like I'll be going out to Veterans reef with some neighbors who haven't been out in awhile. I figure a shallow (45 ft) reef with some debris and a few bardges is a good place for them to knock off some rust. Boat is full, but if anybody else wants to take a few on thier boat and follow me out or meet me there that would work.

April 30th I'll need to spend with the wife so I still have a wife come the next weekend.

May 6th ans 7th I've got prior commitments

May 13th I'm planning the Sheridan, and the nearby Blackthorn. I got a nice map of the wreck site drawn out by Mike_aue. I have room for 2 more that day, If anybody else wants to take a few on thier boat and follow me out or meet me there that would work.
Narcosis, next time just pm a MOD that is currently on-line.

Wow, Weeki was that busy? My sister finished her cert out there today - haven't asked her about it yet.

does she have pink gear? with just one other person(guy) and on a boat with two older people? if so i meet her.. if not then i now know a random person :)
Kray_Z, I can't even imagine that kind of vis at the spring, something big must have gone on for that to happen. Did it ever clear ?

vis was so bad over the hole that you couldnt tell it was a hole if you hadnt been there before... it looked more like a murky bed or something like that :11doh:

yeah.. thats what i was thinking but i didnt know what until everyone has been saying there were lots o' people there... not too sure but would like to know.. either way we still had some fun, but it wasnt clrearing up until low tide at 6:30 and we had to be out of the water before then.. but another time.. probably later this week :)
April 29th its looking like I'll be going out to Veterans reef with some neighbors who haven't been out in awhile. I figure a shallow (45 ft) reef with some debris and a few bardges is a good place for them to knock off some rust. Boat is full, but if anybody else wants to take a few on thier boat and follow me out or meet me there that would work.

April 30th I'll need to spend with the wife so I still have a wife come the next weekend.

May 6th ans 7th I've got prior commitments

May 13th I'm planning the Sheridan, and the nearby Blackthorn. I got a nice map of the wreck site drawn out by Mike_aue. I have room for 2 more that day, If anybody else wants to take a few on thier boat and follow me out or meet me there that would work.

I'm in for that Sheridan and Blackthorn, big time :)

The 7th is when Duncan is here.

Krayz she was in a pink and black wetsuit. No boat though. She was with a class. It gets stirred up when they haved classes out there. I would never dive Weeki for fun, yuk. I am not a boring springs person - I like to see more than a fish and a turtle. :) Just not my cup of tea I guess.
Krayz she was in a pink and black wetsuit. No boat though. She was with a class. It gets stirred up when they haved classes out there. I would never dive Weeki for fun, yuk. I am not a boring springs person - I like to see more than a fish and a turtle. :) Just not my cup of tea I guess.

i only got to see the fish :sad_1:

but i know what you mean... i just like getting wet :)
Krayz she was in a pink and black wetsuit. No boat though. She was with a class. It gets stirred up when they haved classes out there. I would never dive Weeki for fun, yuk. I am not a boring springs person - I like to see more than a fish and a turtle. :) Just not my cup of tea I guess.

i only got to see a fish :sad_2: missed out on the turtle

but i know what you mean... i just like getting wet :)
Let's make the 7th "Dive w/Duncan" day. I'll take the boat out, who's in?

Let's make the 7th "Dive w/Duncan" day. I'll take the boat out, who's in?


I'm in.

Krayz u missed the turtle. How could you? Poor turtle.

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