Tampa Bay area Divers, Part 2.

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How was the Easter Egg Hunt?

Very cool day. They hid alot of eggs expecting a huge turnout, but only got a moderate turnout, so it was eggs a plenty for those who looked. Of course all I won was a stinkin beer bottle opener, but my two sons won nice dive bags.....Eandiver, Cardzard, and itote were all there. I got to do my first dives using EANx, and for the first time I went home from diving without a headache (someone said that would happen).

Conditions were excellent at first. 30' vis, warm water. After awhile with all the divers in the sink it silted up pretty good taking vis down to 5' or so vis. Very friendly turtle made your entrance and exits interesting.

After talking about it we decided to try to put together a Scubaboard dive at the Grotto for sometime in August (details later). Maybe you could make that one.:D
Well, seeing as there's been only one bite, doesn't make it worthwile to move the old lass away from the dock.

Hey Walter, you up for a Venice tooth dive tomorrow? (I need somebody to show where the heck they are!)

I'd love to go, but I have to take my dad fishing on our boat (its half his).

I'm already trying to plan next weekend, Saturday @ the Sheridan to be exact. If you want we could put together a two boat trip and meet out at the Sheridan. I generally can take 6 divers total. I have 3 spots available. Any early takers??:D
By the way, who is this NetDoc fella :):joke:

No one special, just a guy who pokes his head in once in awhile to see whats up, ohh yeah, and he owns Scubaboard...LOL

Hey MissD how'd you make out with the AOW, and EANx thing
I'd love to go, but busy next weekend. Haven't done the Sheridan yet. Maybe next time.

You diving for teeth tomorrow?

I'd love to go, but busy next weekend. Haven't done the Sheridan yet. Maybe next time.

You diving for teeth tomorrow?


Hey, I am doing my final two dives early (8) in the morning at Venice tomorrow!!! Look for me or call me if you guys come up there - though I will be with a class.

Blue Grotto is where you were today Narcosis? Cuz uh that is where I was! How could I miss you guys, I wonder.

Told a couple more peeps about ScubaBoard!
I'd love to go, but I have to take my dad fishing on our boat (its half his).

I'm already trying to plan next weekend, Saturday @ the Sheridan to be exact. If you want we could put together a two boat trip and meet out at the Sheridan. I generally can take 6 divers total. I have 3 spots available. Any early takers??:D

Buy him a ticket for the fishing boat that leaves out of Clearwater, lol. :D Tell him sorry but you have priorities!
Well, seeing as there's been only one bite, doesn't make it worthwile to move the old lass away from the dock.

Hey Walter, you up for a Venice tooth dive tomorrow? (I need somebody to show where the heck they are!)

Meet me at Alhambra at 9 AM.

Hey, I am doing my final two dives early (8) in the morning at Venice tomorrow!!! Look for me or call me if you guys come up there - though I will be with a class.

What class? Where exactly will you be? Meet us at Alhambra (about a half mile south of the public beach by the green condos) after class.
Blue Grotto is where you were today Narcosis? Cuz uh that is where I was! How could I miss you guys, I wonder.

That would be Hudson Grotto MissDirected.

BTW, my father got all PO'd that I showed up late to get him for fishing and cancelled on me. If I had my gear in my car I would have gone diving, but I just took the kids fishing instead.

Oh well, How'd you all make out at Venice ??
Beautiful day at Venice. About 8 feet of viz, we saw seahorses, searobins, mantis shrimp..........i brought home over 300 teeth..........it was a good day!
Family--that's one of the reasons I moved to another state!

It was a good day in Venice! I met Walter by the beach, and we did our first dive. I found about 40 teeth, Walter about 140! (Hey, it's my first time!)

We then walked over to the main beach to find MissDirected finishing up her nitrox class, and her sister (sorry, I'm terrible with names). She joined us for the second dive, and sister snorkeled. I found about 30 teeth before my air ran out (I was on the same tank), and MissDirected found about 40. Walter? About 170! He's out to corner the market!

Attached a couple of pictures, check 'em out.

Met a couple of other divers from St. Pete, who had just discovered Scubaboard, so we should be hearing from them soon.


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