Tampa Bay area Divers, Part 2.

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Captain's Log, Stardate..... wait a minute, this isn't "Trekkie Board"??

On Board: Kray_Z, BDrannik, Frogman_5 (el Capitan) and my neighbor John.

BEAUTIFUL DAY for diving! Clear skies, fairly calm seas. Waves were about 3' on the way out, flattening to 2' midday. In the afternoon the wind picked up a little and waves starting building to 3-4' rollers.

The first dive site was the "South Jack" wreck, a 200' turn of the century (20th) steamer which I believe from the bow details and boiler/engine/propeller arrangement still evident was a large pleasure yacht or fast passenger steamer. Lots of mangrove snapper swimming around if anyone is hungry! Vis about 25-30'. Still some divers had trouble finding the wreck! (I won't name names.)

The second wreck was the "chemical barge". This is about a 120' or so overturned barge broken into 3 sections. It's teeming with fish from mini colorful tropicals to the resident 6-7' Jewfish. (Yes, I still say Jewfish. I find it hard to break with a millenium of nautical tradition.) Vis about 30-35'. That extra 5' came in handy as everyone found this wreck!

A minor problem with the boat related to the recent maint. work. Apparently kinked the shift cable, and the boat stuck in forward for a while. Just a minor nuisance and I got a chance to hone my manuevering skills!
Have lots to catch up on today, but who's up for diving tomorrow?
Have lots to catch up on today, but who's up for diving tomorrow?

I will not be able to make it this weekend - need to re-wire the boat trailer, do some work on the boat, and go house hunting with the other half.. You could probably count me in for your next weekend trip though.. Thanks again for great time yesterday.
Well, there's one hearty soul! Now, where's the rest of ya?

(BTW, next weekend is out, got other plans.)
Scuba West is having an Easter egg hunt on Saturday in the Hudson Grotto. $20.00 includes diving all day and food. Dive shop is across the street from the spring so air is close by. Starting at 11am, Just in case anyone is interested. I'm going so I can try out my new EANx cert.

How was the Easter Egg Hunt?
I'm quite crispy today :O and only on my back lol stupid sun setting in the west when returning from the gulf :)
Hey Irene, I was there to do the Easter egg hunt with my dad N@rco$i$. It was fun. Found 5 eggs and won a really cool dive bag. I was kinda scared to dive the grotto (it's dark!) but once I got down it was actually ok .
A minor problem with the boat related to the recent maint. work. Apparently kinked the shift cable, and the boat stuck in forward for a while. Just a minor nuisance and I got a chance to hone my manuevering skills!

Glad you had pretty good seas :)

Aaaah, the things we must learn when we least expect. I am doing Venice tomorrow. Not so thrilled about that but it is a must do. Thank you for the offer.

Narcosis - where was it you guys were today? I almost phoned u when I was finished to see if you were still out...
Well, seeing as there's been only one bite, doesn't make it worthwile to move the old lass away from the dock.

Hey Walter, you up for a Venice tooth dive tomorrow? (I need somebody to show where the heck they are!)

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