T2T forum entrance requirements change

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I'v got a few of certs.

I'v done a few of dives.

I'v started a couple of threads. They pretty much show just how non elite a diver I am.

As I'v no idea what sort of posts are acceptable, think I'll just wander off.
I really don't give a **** about your tolerance. I really don't give a **** about your qualifications, aside from the enjoyment I get from poking fun at the lack thereof. I really don't give a **** when you tell me to **** off.

...and I really don't give a **** that you agree(or not) that the T2T forum has degraded to nothing more than another, redundant Tech forum... which is what this thread is about.

Good for you. So what do you think the entrance requirements should be for the forum, since you're apparently not happy with either the current nor previous standards?
Are you this grumpy in person too ?

Mat is not grumpy ( in person) :D. We have done alot of diving together over the years.
Mat is like alot of people I have met and been diving with in the local caves. They highly value the preservation of these caves, the relationship with local land owners and the safe exploration of those less traveled.
As far as what he is and is not willing to share in a public forum probably would not change regardless of the audience. :wink:
I am a very new tech diver depending on your definition of the word tech. My AN/Deco manuals said that tech was considered someone who dives with more than one mix of gas on a dive. The term has been expanded to include overhead and virtual overheads.
I have discussed this with John(CaveDiver) and told him I have not talked on T2T this past year because I am so new to tech I feel that I don't have much to offer.
Then there are those of you who have done it so well for so many years there is just kind of not alot to discuss on a public forum. Your dives, your profiles, your mixes, your secret caves, wrecks, are left to private discussions with your dive buddies.
So, the question is, how do we synergize the new, the fascinated and perhaps overwhelmed with the seasoned, well experienced, well educated who have nothing to prove by talking about their excellence?
So, the question is, how do we synergize the new, the fascinated and perhaps overwhelmed with the seasoned, well experienced, well educated who have nothing to prove by talking about their excellence?

...and who apparently don't want to have anything to do with the new, the fascinated, and the overwhelmed.
...and who apparently don't want to have anything to do with the new, the fascinated, and the overwhelmed.

Isn't that what the regular tech forums are for?

Overlap, repetitious, disorganized... meh.
Then there are those of you who have done it so well for so many years there is just kind of not alot to discuss on a public forum. Your dives, your profiles, your mixes, your secret caves, wrecks, are left to private discussions with your dive buddies.

I have very few secrets, as away... :)
As far as what he is and is not willing to share in a public forum probably would not change regardless of the audience. :wink:

I was confident in the original userbase, definately not so with the newly loosened qualifications. Shoot me a PM if you want to know what I have going on, its not really a secret, but I don't want or need a bunch of non-advanced traffic getting easy information about places they frankly shouldn't be


Its pretty obvious that things are not going to go back to the old userbase, so it should be no suprise that I'm not going to provide any content here that I wouldn't provide in the regular Tec forum(because I see them as the same damned thing).
And... I was pointing out the incorrect assumption in denisegg's post. To paraphrase you, I don't give a **** if you share your projects here or not. If you want to have control over who sees that information then PM or e-mail is probably the best option

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