So here is a typical question one might pose after having just gone through AN/Deco and bought a new predator which of course I could not use during class for establishing my deco obligations but instead ran our profile on various computer models, then wrote them on wetnotes which were put in my drysuit pocket. I have been diving a DR Duo affixed to my wrist slate and I quite enjoyed the comfort and convenience of having my computer and slate on my left wrist.
Now I have the problem that I cannot mount the predator on a wrist slate because of it's size and I cannot wear both the slate with the Duo attached and the predator on one arm because they will not fit. I don't have enough room from the elbow down. Believe me I tried. I wear my light on my right hand (horror I know for some) but I love it this way. It is butt mounted to a sidemount rig, btw. So, I want my slate and my computer on my left arm where they have been being. I can use the wetnotes in my pocket for backup, alternate profiles. I would like my primary profile on my arm along with my computer for comparisons. Perhaps I am just too attached to that profile right now and after getting some experience would just be able to occasionally retrieve wetnotes from my pocket. Also bear in mind that during class we were doing a lot of multi tasking during our ascent while referring to the notes we were also doing OOA, single file restriction, touch contact, etc.
So how do seasoned deco divers carry their notes and their primary and back up computer(with one of these in gauge mode)
Ok now that is the kind of question that is irritating me right now. Speak your mind everyone. You have already been doing it.

Is that the kind of question that needs to be in here or on TDS?