Alot of what I'd want to use the forum for... I wouldn't do with all these new people here.
If I'm the minority, fine, but I in two weeks... half the new threads suck bad. So in a year, when the fairly open qualifications allow even more questionable posters into the T2T, and we have even more sucky threads... Are all those threads and all those people gonna be kicked out? I doubt it... it'll already be a lost cause by then.
In the past year, what have you used the forum for? I can't recall any significant use of it by anyone. I don't want that to sound like a slam, I'm just trying to get clarification. I've seen hints and comments a couple of times about profiles or dives people would be willing to post, but haven't really seen anyone do so. I'm willing and able to work with what ya'll want it to be, but you can't just say I don't want A because I want to do B instead, and then don't do anything.
Will threads or posters get moved out? Quite possibly. I moved some threads out of here before it ever got opened up. I removed a few people as well, but I didn't make a big production out of doing either.
And if it *really* starts to become an issue, I can grant or restrict access to individual subforums on a case by case basis. But some of the best discussions I've ever seen have come up when someone asks a stupid question in a sucky thread and it sparked an enlightening sidetrack.