While traffic may have increased, the traffic IMO has really brought the T2T forums in line with the ordinary Tec forums(or even the General Diving forums in some cases)...
T2T was a good idea, but I think its original application has pretty much evaporated in the name of more traffic...
So now we have redundant forums. :/
Traffic has increased.
I can "see" more of that than ya'll can and it looks like a good thing. There have been posts and back here by people whom I haven't seen in the regular forums in ages. I've also "seen" quite a few people reading threads that I don't on the regular board. As more of those people check things out, then maybe more quality threads will get started.
This thread produced more activity in two weeks than the rest of the forum in two months. Let's face it, some of aren't really happy unless we've got something to argue about.
We tried it for a year as it was, with mostly the "elite" if you will, and nobody had much to say. Now that it's opened up a bit, there's been more activity.
So, that's resulted in a couple of threads that are maybe a little mundane for back here. But maybe it's because those people want direct answers without having to sort out experience levels. We've also had a couple of pretty damn interesting threads as well. Not every single one is gonna be a gold mine of wisdom.
Before we condemn it as a failure how about we give it a bit more than a two week trial? As I said in the other thread,
be the change you want to see. Start a thread, ask a question, post a trip report, post some pics of your gear setup or a dive, or hell, even start an argument. You're the type of member that can help shape and direct things, but you gotta put something into it.
Or if you really wanna stir some stuff up, you can invite Ainsle.