Just to go over things again, I missed the LP112's I was looking at and don't expect to see another set used at a good price any time soon though if I do making those my new single tanks with a pony backup would probably be my preferred choice. I picked my 19 pony after seeing all of the sizes lined up at a dive shop and working out what each would give me for time, its bigger than I originally wanted so I consider it my limit.
Since I don't want to rely on redundant buoyancy that I would have to deploy first (instant up is a necessity for me) doubling up my 85's or really any full size doubles are off the board unless I get into dry suit diving which is not happening any time soon for various reasons.
This is the closest thing in the US that I know of to what you posted but they are only rated for 2640 psi so I don't know how the physical specs compare to the euro version:
DGX Custom - Doubles Package - Faber LP-50 | Dive Gear Express®
I do love that they are light enough where they would weight almost the same as the single lp112. The valves and extra regulator would push the weight up a bit i'm sure.
The drawback to that is the massive cost increase since with those size tanks I would need to switch between dives and so I would need two sets of them. That's the main reason I haven't jumped at that plan, the other reason would be the hassle of having them on great lakes charter boats since I'm sure they don't fit the tank racks on the benches correctly (or do they?) and the above mentioned feelings of many boats about multiple doubles sets on rec dive days.
I have seriously looked at HP100's in the past but I wonder about the longevity of all parts involved in holding back the extra 800 PSI. It seems like I would get more life out of both the cylinder and the 1st stage with the lower pressure, especially since I rebuild my own stuff and only go through it every few years.