Spring Springfest after-party thread.

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Great report mat.. much more effort then I put into mine. I'll keep the Hooters secret to myself.
Hey Now!!...No secrets allowed!! I think all mine have been told...:shakehead:

Shut up Everyone...not another word...:wink:

oh no they havn't! But I'm a good secret keeper :wink:
Definitely good reporting as usual Matt!

Denise, I definitely try to be a good buddy and will always back ya up! Us girls got to stick together against these Men! No matter what happened we all had fun!

I definitely needed the laughs this past weekend! It truly was the best time that I have had in a long time! I am blessed to be part of such a great dive family! :hug:

OK, the report and the pics . . .

Yes, Carolyn, pics of "THE SHARK" first . . . :wink:




The Yellow Angel Fish and I got a nice, leisurely start out of Roswell, GA Friday morning heading to Vortex. The trip was delightfully eventless, with the exception of the mild cardio infarction I had when I gassed up the Kraken Wagen . . . !

We arrived at Vortex at 2 p.m. local time to a beautiful afternoon.

And, contrary to earlier reports, there was no massive RV parked in the Kraken's Lair off-loading massive BBQ grills and recliners.

We established the camp site and sat back to enjoy the weekend. One or two other S/Bers had arrived, but, as a whole, the contingent had yet to descend upon Vortex.

Went back to the dive shop to pick up or t-shirts.

Great job on the shirts, L4S !!! Can't wait to see what next year brings.

As most of you know, Shane picked up the cost of the t-shirts !!!! That guy is really going all out to support the board and make our congregations wonderful events. Smart marketing, Shane !!!

Well, it was pretty much mill-around-mill, some light diving and serious socializing until around 7:30 when we descended, en masse, upon "Sally's".

For those of you unfamiliar with "Sally's", it's a great, no "the" great local restaurant. I think the grand total of the staff is 4 people, so some things are expected to be a bit slower than McDonald's.

Unflappable as ever, we were ushered to the back room, where we wouldn't embarrass the other patrons, and seated at a large table which we rapidly constructed. As Bug Man has alreaded stated, there were at least 20 S/Bers seated for the dinner.

Our waitress came and took our drink orders, and in short time, our dinner orders.

Took a bit of time to be served our meals, Annelle, WillardJ's wife, was gnawing at the table legs by the time they were served.

All in all, I think we had been there for over an hour before the first of the meals were served.

Oh well, it is what it is. The food was good and enjoyed. Course 10 day old armadillo would have been considered a dellicacy at that point.

Back to Vortex.

YAF and I headed for our quarters and some peaceful sleep, the others, lead by the infamous Lady MacCarolyn headed over to Bug Man Bluff for a bit of frolicing with the other SBers.

Some time in the wee hours I was awakened by some screaming and some sort of hullabaloo coming across the way from the general direction of Bug Man Bluff. Just figured it was Bug Man up to his randy ways with the womenfolk . . . but later found out differently. Seems some very intoxicated young woman, with company, had driven in from P/C, passed out at the wheel of the vehicle, was awakend by the local constabulary, assaulted said constabulary, and was subsequently taken into custody.

That little ruckus, having died down, I lay my weary head upon my pillow to drift off to a nice spring night's slumber . . . . and then God said, "Let there be RAIN!!!"

And, my God, was there rain!!! As Forrest Gump said, "It rained so hard, it rained up!".

Poor Bug Man had pitched his tent in a heretofore unknown sink hole and almost drowned, Lord help him! Later we discussed the matter and decided that had he drowned, we would suit him up, stick his sorry butt in the cavern and make it look like a natural occurrence. God forbid he should drown outside of a cave !!!

Well, we arose Saturday morning to a spectacular spring morning. Hung up those things which needed drying out and prepared for our respective plans.

Lives4Sharks, Yellow Angel Fish and I loaded up the Kraken Wagen and headed to PC for our boat dive.

We arrived at the Dive Locker only to find out, as L4S has already posted, the shop had booked more divers on the boat than we expected. Oh well . . . what ya gonna do?

A bit of communications mix up on where we were to board the dive boat, but all that was straightened out and we were off to the Gulf.

The ride out was a booger. The seas were 4 to 6 feet. Even the fact that were were on a 36 footer didn't help any.

YAF got pretty sick on the way out and elected to call the first dive given the fact she was feeling puny and the fact that putting on wet suits in that seas was difficult, at best.

L4S buddied up for the first dive . . . the Acokeek. 105 feet and about 80 feet visibility.

It was a good dive, especially when "THE SHARK" showed up. 42 minutes bottom time and up for the SI.

We stayed over the first dive site for a bit and then headed to the second site.

Bless her little heart, L4S got hit with the green meanies on our ride to the second site, the Navy Barge.

By this time the seas had died down a bit and YAF was feeling better and elected to do the dive.

Time to gear up . . . !!!

We got geared up, turning on air, doing reg checks and found out that YAF's tank, somehow, had gotten drained on the ride out. So, back up and punt.

L4S went on down the anchor line and hung out at the bottom and waited on us.

YAF and I went on down the line and joined up with L4S for a very nice relaxing dive.

I think L4S spotted a giant grouper on the barge, not sure.

Back to the surface and the ride back in.

This year there weren't any unpleasant surprises in coming back to the dock and back to the spring, thank God!

By the time we arrived at Vortex, the shindig was really starting to shape up.

Shane had brought in a professional Karaoke DJ !!! What a hoot !!!

The meats were a'cookin, the beverages were a'flowin and good times had commenced to be a'havin !!!

L4S kicked off the Karaoke with a FANTABULOUS!!! rendition of "All That Jazz" . . . you hot little torch singer you !!!

I don't know if the entertainment got BETTER, but it sure got ENTERTAINING !!!

In my humble opinion, the highlight was Tom Smedley doing "Pissing in the Wind". He almost had me "Pissing in my Pants" I was laughing so hard.

What a GRAND TIME ! ! ! For those of you who didn't make it, I am truly sad . . . Spring Spring-Fest I was a phenomenal event. I just goes to prove what a wonderful community and family we have here on ScubaBoard.

Shane extended the Quiet Time by an hour or so in order that we could make the most of the festivities. Thanks, Shane.

It was amazing! When the Karaoke was cut off the park fell into a most surreal sense of quiet. Everyone was off to bed or some reserved partying.

Sunday morning broke bright and beautiful. Some SBers headed over to Morrison while others started packing up and bidding adieus to friends and dive buddies.

YAF and I just passed the day enjoying each other's company and that of the few remaining SBers.

As the day drew to an end, we sat chatting with Bug Man and CMUHockey. I guess it must have been around 4 or 5 local time when they finally departed.

YAF and I decided to do a night dive Sunday evening, but full bellies coupled with a delightful cabernet sauvignon and magnificient spring evening dictated otherwise.

We just spent the evening enjoying that which was . . .

Monday morning came as beautifully as did Sunday. We did an early morning dive to the clearest water we've ever seen in the spring. It was marvelous having the spring to just the two of us.

After the dive we lay our gear out to dry and to start packing up for our return home.

Ah, well . . . all things must end.

An uneventful trip back home.

And, SNEPDIVER, LIVES4SHARKS, I just want to thank the two of you for creating the germ of the idea to have Spring Springfest, and more so that you made it come alive!! THANX

VORTOBERFEST IV !!!!!!!!!!!!

Wooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo

the K
Carolyn and Parysa, you better watch him. He is already planning your next threesome for October.... and he wants to include a spanking.:wink:

Did I hear miss Good Girl was giving out Spanking? I thought that was supposed to be a secret?:54:

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