casemanager:Wheher I was chewing nic gum which is an over the counter alternative to smoking, are you now an expert on the effects of nicotine and scubadiving.
Just because something is is sold over the counter, does not make it safe for diving or using any time. Casemanager, would you use an over the counter cold medicine while diving? The important part of your above statement is that YOU should be an expert on the effects of Nicorette and scubadiving notLJinFl. A review of Nicorettes web site will tell you that it can cause vertigo as a side effect. You asked in your very first post for input, so I am giving input, not being critical to you. I am not a Doc but am very familiar with Nicorette. A good friend went into pulmonary failure and died from Nicorette right at my table durring a dinner party at my home last year. Subsequent investigation by me with my doctor opened my eyes to the side effects of that drug. Including high incidences of pulminary issues. Don't fool yourself, its not only nicotine contained in that gum so comparing it to people smoking butts is way off. And most likely as with most drugs prescription or otherwise nobody knows the effect of the drug on the human body under pressure. Since you said you never had panic before, you should look at what was different from this dive than your others, including any medications in your body. And after all that, it could have been just one of those days, not caused by anything in particular just as LJ said a whole bunch of things cascading to the end result. I don't think LJ is angry, I think he is right on the money.
PS: The person that passed at my home was abusing the gum, chewing way to much and far more than is recommended. I am not anti Nic gum, I am sure it works quite well when used properly. I only bring it up to illustrate that the effects of the proper dosage under pressure is not and may never be known. Thank God I don't smoke.