Scuba:In regards to the issue of responsibility that often comes up in these threads, there is an often confused but definite difference between ULTIMATE and SOLE responsibility. I have never placed Sole responsibility on one source, unlike many who repeatedly and mistakenly place Sole responsibilty on One source based on who is Ultimately
Again, That is one of the best points that has been made here yet. I can say with authority that there are alot of parties involved in this incident who could be said to bear a portion of the ultimate responsibilty here. There is no sole reposnsibilty in this case. I am certain that most everyone invloved is dealing with whether and how they share in the ultimate responsibilty. The only thing that can be done by the parties involved is to deal with the portions of the responsibilty they own and understand them and take action toward avoiding them in the future. This includes casemanager, the instructor, the buddy, and even me, who was close enough to have moved up to them after hearing the tank banging to find out if everything was as calm as it appeared when I looked at them. Everyone will be playing "what if' for some time.