Since the original question centered around how to see the spg when the light is held on the same side. I have found that by shining my light backwards on the left side (provided my buddy is not there) illuminates my spg, then I can quickly unclip it, look at it and reclip it without a problem. Simply shifting the reel to the right hand for this procedure takes only a second.
As has already been stated, adding additional task loading should be undertaken in a slow and orderly manner. I have not yet added my scooter to this configuration because I don't think I could handle it. Similarly, I don't carry a camera while running line doing an ice dive. I'm not ready for it.
I'll add an additional task, practice it for a period of time until I have it down, then add something else.
Along the way I have had several dives where I am sure I looked like a monkey with a football, then afterwards we all had a good laugh.
In addition, it seems to me that placing the spg on my right side behind or in front of the can light, would very easily interfere with both stowing and deploying the long hose.
just my opinion. ymmv