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Definitely not. I don't know why you make such an effort to disappoint my expectations of you. If I was into mushy-headed new age thinking, I'd suggest that you work on your self-esteem.

let's look up "projection" in the psychology dictionary, shall we? let's see... "Projection:"

a. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or suppositions to others: “Even trained anthropologists have been guilty of unconscious projectionof clothing the subjects of their research in theories brought with them into the field” (Alex Shoumatoff).

b. The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.

Because they "take responsibility" by having their frothing, foaming, lifeless carcasses dragged over the transom,

That's what's missing here - really artistic word pictures.

and I miss my second dive (unless I find you, then I'd bring you up on the second dive), and that's a big deal.

That's it - the key to a good intervention is not to label and judge, but to tell the subject how their destructive behavior impacts you and other people in their life.

Unless the victim brings something really good in his lunch, I miss out completely (carrot cake, everybody remember that).

How about bananas and a jar of peanut butter?
Or maybe a nice slab of rare meat?

Fair advice for those in the 1000 dive category, but very, very dangerous advice to impart to a rookie diver fresh out of OW that already shows some experience, responsibility and judgement issues.

Who is reading what you post.

In all fairness, I don't think he was making recommendations to others, and he DID say he is personally against "trust me" dives. If we get our knickers in a knot over how a newbie might misconstrue what they read here, we'd never be able to have a vigorous debate about anything meaningful. Oh, wait, that's almost impossible now, with some of the hair-trigger Oprah Winfrey attitudes of some of the moderators, so never mind.
let's look up "projection" in the psychology dictionary, shall we? let's see... "Projection:"

I see no projection. I have no problem with you, but you seem intent on stalking me around the board, popping up with personal insults of no relation to the subject at hand, whenever I post, because I bruised your ego by pointing out a significant deficiency in your basic diving knowledge (water as weights.) If you like, Andy, I can make your little vendetta easier by giving you a list of all the threads I'm participating in, so you don't have to hunt around for me, or you could just move on with your life.
oh, yes, please, dweeb... by all means send me MORE of your posts to read :eyebrow:

btw, thanks for clearing up what happened to my ego. i saw all the bruises, and
i thougth i had been stroking it too much...
oh, yes, please, dweeb... by all means send me MORE of your posts to read :eyebrow:

btw, thanks for clearing up what happened to my ego. i saw all the bruises, and
i thougth i had been stroking it too much...

PLEASE be more discreet. People will talk.

A gentleman doesn't stroke and tell.
That's what's missing here - really artistic word pictures..

Always my specialty... :)

I like my fellow divers to see what I'm saying...

That's it - the key to a good intervention is not to label and judge, but to tell the subject how their destructive behavior impacts you and other people in their life. .

Hell, they're already rude enough to be dead.

How inconsiderate.

I mean, they closed Gilboa down just because of a slightly fatal embolism, and a couple minor DCIs.

I had gas left, dammit.

(Remember what you said about everybody else's post-accident odds?) :)

How about bananas and a jar of peanut butter?
Or maybe a nice slab of rare meat?.

I remember...

Lu Ann and the Oreos <snicker>

I just hate it when the dead guy has nothing but tofu and sprout sandwiches...

And the granola bars really make me apoplectic.

If they were the least bit considerate, they'd bring meatloaf sandwiches/cheese and carrot cake on the boat, just in case.

In all fairness, I don't think he was making recommendations to others, and he DID say he is personally against "trust me" dives. If we get our knickers in a knot over how a newbie might misconstrue what they read here, we'd never be able to have a vigorous debate about anything meaningful. Oh, wait, that's almost impossible now, with some of the hair-trigger Oprah Winfrey attitudes of some of the moderators, so never mind.

Ya, but, he didn't differentiate or support his statement.

He said (by proxy) "I'm an experienced diver (his profile), and I 'trust me' dive whenever I want, and no one can stop me."

It was lacking in particulars.
We are discussing whether "trust me" dives are a prudent thing to do, and by saing you don't advocate them, you've just weighed in and taken a side, whether you realize it or wanted to.

My side of this issue is that it is a personal decision. If an individual is dumb enough to try a "trust me" dive they can't handle and they die, that is their perogative IMO. That individual will likely kill themself performing a much more common activity like driving their car to work. Bad judgement isn't reserved only for scuba diving.

I don't advocate "trust me" dives because people today generally want to blame everyone but themselves for the consequences of choices they make.
My side of this issue is that it is a personal decision. If an individual is dumb enough to try a "trust me" dive they can't handle and they die, that is their perogative IMO. That individual will likely kill themself performing a much more common activity like driving their car to work. Bad judgement isn't reserved only for scuba diving.

"dumb enough?"
WHAT kind of judgement? Oh, yes, "bad."
Implying they are not fit to commute safely?

Your post reeks of partisan judgementalism in this controversy. So much for your protestatations of being above the fray. You've echoed some of the most extreme aspects of my own position. Thank you, and welcome to the dark side, Luke. Now wipe the mud off your hand.
He said (by proxy) "I'm an experienced diver (his profile), and I 'trust me' dive whenever I want, and no one can stop me."

Look at the context. He was paraphrasing Voltaire.
"While I think trust me dives are stupid, I defend peoples' right (including my own) to do stupid things."

I believe that dovetails nicely with your own position - you're missing that you've found a kindred spirit. He just needs to be nurtured into his full potential, and you're just the mentor to do it, Darth Sidious.
"dumb enough?"
WHAT kind of judgement? Oh, yes, "bad."
Implying they are not fit to commute safely?

Your post reeks of partisan judgementalism in this controversy. So much for your protestatations of being above the fray. You've echoed some of the most extreme aspects of my own position. Thank you, and welcome to the dark side, Luke. Now wipe the mud off your hand.

Nice try dweeb, read my post again and you just might see what you missed. Like usual, your best at putting words in peoples mouths. You must have been a real peach in your debating club. Your posts reek but its of something a little more ripe than what you call judgementalism.

Now repeat after me ... personal choice .... personal choice ... there you go, now you got it.

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