I don't think you can judge on equipment. I walk like a duck, quack like a duck, but I'm not a duck. Here are the key difference for me,not being a dir diver, but looks just like one. I dive air past 100 feet, i do not use standard gasses for trimix, i therefore don't do ratio deco, i use a bottom timer and a multigas computer as back up, dive a generated plan, with back ups in my notes, i dont do light back and forth when doing shutdowns, which are not the dir method anyways. I have a team, we plan our dives, dive as a team, i call the dive they come with me, we plan gas contingencies planning to bring up our team. I dive a balanced rig, long hose, can light, hogarthian set up ect, I have been mistaken a dir diver, sorry about that guys.
edit typo