I think that might be where some of the negative sentiment keeps getting perpetuated from.
Some dive shops just want to protect their rice bowl; training and sales.
New divers hear it from the shops, and then they have the idea of GUE divers being arrogant planted in their heads.
Believe me....there's plenty of arrogance to go around in the diving bubble we all live in.
I've seen plenty of chest thumping from DM's.
Often people's enthusiasm get's perceived as arrogant.
I get a feeling that there are shops out there that love perpetuating the negative GUE thing....they might stand to benefit from that, no?
When you start hearing the anti-GUE "pitch"......consider why that might be.
I wonder what motivates Mr. Aleman's post above.
He sounds as bad as some of those postings from over a decade before.
Well, if my memory serves, Mr. Aleman was friends with and stood up for Moonglow. As I recall, that was some serious WTF?! chest pounding and our LDS and agency is the BEST chest thumping before she left for good.
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