So, I just finished making a Super Bowl commercial...

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Well with the DVR, I dont' watch ads anymore. But for the superbowl, the ads are the only things I watch. Bring on the monkeys!

It's funny, because the latest thinking is that DVR will actually ENHANCE the effectiveness of Super Bowl ads. And that they are the ONLY ads that will benefit.


Think about it - who records the Super Bowl and watches it on Wednesday night?

Ah, but people may well use their DVR to view the best commercials again and again. (OK, not everyone is gonna do this. But some will.)
okay then...but something better than Janet's nipple.

That just wasn't worth the ruckus.

If we are going to make the kids uncomfortable, at least let it be good.

I wasn't quick enough...right over my head. I am sick of all the bumping and grinding though.

I thought Janet's nearly invisible partially covered nipple was okay.

I nearly killed myself after seeing Mick's belly button prancing around for 20 minutes, talk about an obscenity!

1. I hadn't thought about recording the superbowl, least of all for the commercials. But, it is a good idea. I'm going to record it and then watch only the commercials to see which ones I like.

2. I've never seen a commercial that persuades me to use a product because it is superior or because the competition stinks. If I like the commercial, i.e. it feels good, I'll use the product (FedEx parody of Castaway; Bud). If I'm offended by the commercial (it is gross or insults my intelligence), I'll go out of my way to avoid it. I went for 10 years without eatting at Jack In The Box and for 15 without drinking Pepsi and 8 without eatting at Denny's.
Give us a peak for goodness sake. Or atleast tell us what product line is aimed at :)
you know, when i registered for scubaboard I did so with the implied impression that I would be receiving "sneak peak" viewing of ALL the super bowl that I see this isn't going to happen i might just go elsewhere!!!!!

Yes, but you obviously didn't read the user agreement...

ScubaBoard User Agreement - Section 2.3-B

Notwithstanding information to the contrary contained in section 2.1-S (regarding use of copyrighted materials within the content of ScubaBoard, its fora, chat rooms, RSS feeds, private message function, or other functionallity as may be added, including classified ads, banner ads, articles, stored images, and archived materials) user agrees that at all times they shall refrain from posting on ScubaBoard any video clips, screen shots, storyboards, animatics, sketches, concept boards, outtakes, rough edits, director notes, casting reels, or any other such graphic depictions (herafter referred to as "materials"), whether such materials are electronic in format or have been otherwise converted to any such other digital medium, in any case where such materials display, refer to, imply, suggest, reference or otherwise depict violent monkees, unless such monkees are fully clothed.

Sheesh - am I the ONLY person that read the whole user agreement?
Sheesh - am I the ONLY person that read the whole user agreement?

ah... well....


i did read it once ...real fast .... missed the bit about the monkeys

ok, ok... yes, you're the only one
I've really taken a liking to Budweiser - not the beer, just the commercials.

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