chrisc:Outside, there must be a reason the military does it that way after millions of $$ in testing...
The cuffs of military pants are somewhat loose, and they wear them tucked in the boots so they don't get caught on anything near the ground, like barbed wire or tumble weeds. Also, it may help to keep the pant legs dry if they walk through puddles or small streams - thus keeping extraneous weight from the water off.
I wear my booties inside my suit to keep warmer (54deg water), and for the suit flush. The water gets a little cold when I step in, and my boots eventually flood, but it warms up soon anyway, and helps my feet keep warm after the dive, too.
As for peeing in my wetsuit, I do what I have to do. Cold water can escalate the call of nature, and that call can't be ignored for long. Hopefully, she calls early in the dive so I can get it flushed out. If not, then I soak and wash my suit in Wetsuit Shampoo.
As we see here, it's mostly personal preference (as well as dictated by the wetsuit, but that was chosen, too). If there's a question, try diving both ways, and see what works best for you. The Dive Fashion Police are not going to ticket you either way.
Just my 2 CuFt...