To the OP,
If you want to save money without sacrificing quality, consider buying used. If you’re not into DIY, contact (send a PM) someone who rebuilds regulators like DA Aquamaster or BlueWaterDiving Tell them your diving needs and ask if either has a rebuilt ready to sell.
Service frequency and so called free parts:
If you're determined to keep the useless and expensive warranty intact, you must follow the manufactures suggested service interval. However, whether or not you want to keep the useless and expensive warranty intact, learning to check your equipment is very important and will help YOU determine if your equipment needs servicing. See this link for a set of checks everyone is capable of and should be doing: Regulator Checklist and Inspection Sticky:
Good luck,
If you want to save money without sacrificing quality, consider buying used. If you’re not into DIY, contact (send a PM) someone who rebuilds regulators like DA Aquamaster or BlueWaterDiving Tell them your diving needs and ask if either has a rebuilt ready to sell.
Service frequency and so called free parts:
If you're determined to keep the useless and expensive warranty intact, you must follow the manufactures suggested service interval. However, whether or not you want to keep the useless and expensive warranty intact, learning to check your equipment is very important and will help YOU determine if your equipment needs servicing. See this link for a set of checks everyone is capable of and should be doing: Regulator Checklist and Inspection Sticky:
Good luck,