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C'mon up on Thursday. Don't know my plans yet, (usually dive on Thursday before dinner at a friends house), but have not heard anything yet....Regardless, come on onver. We will figure something out!

Sounds good so if one gets squashed there is always beach diving where you live.
Should I cook the Turkey and all the other stuff before I come?
Sounds good so if one gets squashed there is always beach diving where you live.
Should I cook the Turkey and all the other stuff before I come?

We have plenty of time to make that decision. But for now, no need to...:wink:
We're diving Blue Heron Bridge this Sunday, if anyone wants to join...

high tide is 10:46. We enter the water between 10:10-10:20 AM
Oh dang! I'd love to, but it's my bicycle club's annual century, and I'm a rest stop volunteer. Y'all have fun!!!
Great weather??? It's cold:shocked2: Who ever left the door open and letting the A/C out SHUT IT !!!!!!! I would like it above 85 please:blinking:
Folks. NYC is amazing right now. It's chilly, but not terrible.

TONIGHT WE ARE GOING TO SEE..... THE MISFITS. :D What a show for halloween!
SATURDAY NIGHT..... BUCKETHEAD!! Hopefully this time my mom doesn't make me leave the show early ^_-

w00 w00 :D

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