First, anyone who knows me realizes that I am not a violent person. In fact, I have never thrown a punch in my life. My statement was not to be taken seriously (heck, no one else takes anything I say seriously) but an expression of my frustration.
Second, I am a bit disturbed by the posts of some here, especially those much younger than myself. It seems to be a prevalent attitude that if it is legal, it is fine... whether or not it seriously impacts the rights of others. Much of the economic mess we are in came from traders who felt the same way about making mortgages they knew were unsustainable (but perfectly legal) or selling derivatives that were legal but highly questionable (especially with little disclosure). I am very proud that my son does not think this way (and he came to his own conclusions since I was not around for his first 17 years of life).
I come from the 60s where things were viewed differently, at least by the people I hung with. There are many things I don't do voluntarily because I think they are harmful to marine ecosystems or the rights of others (even though they are legal). I stopped taking bugs back in 1975 (but don't chastise others for doing so where appropriate). I can walk across the street right in front of a car, but I wait at the curb for traffic to clear because I don't see my legal right to enter a crosswalk to be appropriate when it means stopping a car unnecessarily.
I have worked for several years to get the dive park categorized as a legal reserve, and hopefully that will happen in December.
Cody, as for the protection of the garibaldi, I am old enough to know that garibaldi were so easy to take by spearfishers because of their nest defense behavior that CDF&G felt it was necessary to protect them. Wish they had acted sooner on the giant sea bass which a spearfisher can swim right up to and spear with little trouble. It's like spearing a moo cow grazing out in a field. Fortunately they finally did act in banning take and longlines/gillnets and we are seeing the apparent recovery.
And as for the dive park having an "unnaturally high" number of critters in it, this merely illustrates the fact that many lack the proper baselines to judge the health of our current ecosystems. I have only dived them for 41 years, and even that baseline is not enough to capture what they were like in 1945 when the mass migration of US citizens into the SoCal region following WWII began. Within just a few years, CDF&G had to initiate protective measures for a number of species that were being decimated in that short time frame.
I suggest that the rest of the Catalina leeward coast would more closely resemble the conditions in the dive park IF they weren't so heavily fished, largely by party and recreational boats from the huge population center of SoCal. I talk to anglers who have been fishing Catalina waters as far back as the 1910s (yes back then) and they tell me of the ricj abundance formerly here. Read the stories of Zane Grey or Dr. Charles Frederick Holder writing about our waters in the late 1890s and early 1900s.
One needs the proper baseline with which to judge the health of our ecosystems. Many of us do not have that.