We agree on this and as such I have not hunted or harvested any marine life for many years. And, I'd be thrilled is no one ever did. On the flip side, I support their right hunt/harvest, within the rules.
I make no bones about it, I have my own selfish reason for keeping hunters out of the park. I want to see more life in it when I'm diving there. So what? Besides, making a comment about the park is a bit NIMBY but then again, most regulations start out somewhere, usually in someones back yard.
I have written CFG more than once and will continue to do so until the the dive park is designated a no-take zone but I will not harass anyone doing it legally. (I may however, ridicule them a little. )
Then you and I are in TOTAL agreement. I, too, would PREFER for no hunting to take place in the park. I just think the way to go about it is to work through the legal system, not through name calling and intimidation. Harassing others isn't going to make a real difference here. The best long term solution is legal change and enforcement, with a strong dose of education (which should start now).