Should threadjacking be a crime?

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You mean your post about the gray thong and butt ring?
Gray thongs are the DIR approved swimsuits for male & female divers, doncha' know?!! (Please note, no offense intended to the DIR divers among us, just an attempt at humour at your expense). Hehehe

After watching H2Andy's butt ring with it's 2 reels hanging............... wait, hold on............. OK, that wasn't working. Everyone, I saw nothing, noticed nothing, & have no intention of copying what I never saw. I will continue to carry my DR reel in a location where it is prone to entanglment in Andy's line,,,,,, wait, wait, this isn't working either. I think I am going to sign off & get some sleep now.
After watching H2Andy's butt ring with it's 2 reels hanging............... wait, hold on.............

it is, you know, properly termed a "crotch-strap rear d-ring"

you know
I'm going to hate myself for posting this, but I'll hate myself even more if I don't. Look what our friends at Heinz have marketed:

Maybe we should start a foundation to save these little fish, y'know, like the shark conservancy?
I don't even want to know how you find this stuff.....
I think it's a symptom of exceeding my NDL (Non Diving Limit). Leave me out of the water too long, and my mind (and browser) wanders all over the net.

(Actually, this one was on a link from a web site that I use for photos in my business presentations.)
Dr. how does one get Spotted Dick? :11ztongue

Its a very interesting procedure that some folks are apt at performing. It involves a macro lense and the ability to keep a dive sausage correctly stowed. With the use of a suction tube and bag, a spotted dick can also be contained for further inspection at home in a confined environment without interruption.

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