Should threadjacking be a crime?

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Of course Mike, it ain't fun unless its safe.
So, let me get this staight........

A Swedish man carrying bomb materials hijacked a plane going to Mexico. Was last seen chewing gum, wearing a gray thong and has a butt ring. They believe he's an Optician who carries a 7ft hose, knows special effects and has a Goverment Policy manual. (WOW!!!)

He demanded Thai food, mussels and BBQ Wings and argues that the peso looks better than the American dollar. Oh yeah, I think someone mentioned he owns a zebra.

Last but not least, Jenny owes Mike two dollars and Mike I'm sorry you lost your h-air. Oh and Singha is a bad word in Mexico.

Yep, I think this about covers it all. Right?
So, let me get this staight........

A Swedish man carrying bomb materials hijacked a plane going to Mexico. Was last seen chewing gum, wearing a gray thong and has a butt ring. They believe he's an Optician who knows special effects and carries a Goverment Policy mannual. (WOW!!!)

He demanded Thai food, mussels and BBQ Wings and argues that the peso looks better than the American dollar. Oh yeah, I think someone mentioned he owns a zebra.

Last but not least, Jenny owes Mike two dollars and Mike I'm sorry you lost your h-air.

Yep, I think this about covers it all. Right?

You won the prize....wanna be our next prime minister???

*** Please note....this is in no way to imply slander of any kind towards scbababe .... its all fun and games until you wanna be a princess ... or get volunteered to be prime minister by some idiot (oops that would be me) ....I think Mike looks great without h-air....and I'm not sure if you want that in US or CDN dollars....oh ya and your gas is cheaper than ours...unless you eat Mexican and then everyones gas just stinks.
You won the prize....wanna be our next prime minister???*** Please note....this is in no way to imply slander of any kind towards scbababe .... its all fun and games until you wanna be a princess ... or get volunteered to be prime minister by some idiot (oops that would be me) ....I think Mike looks great without h-air....and I'm not sure if you want that in US or CDN dollars....oh ya and your gas is cheaper than ours...unless you eat Mexican and then everyones gas just stinks.

Thanks starfish, none taken. Well, at least I got your vote.
Prime Minister scbababe... Hmmm..... has a nice ring to it!
and I don't mean butt ring either. (LOL) :crafty:
So, let me get this staight........

A Swedish man carrying bomb materials hijacked a plane going to Mexico. Was last seen chewing gum, wearing a gray thong and has a butt ring. They believe he's an Optician who carries a 7ft hose, knows special effects and has a Goverment Policy manual. (WOW!!!)

He demanded Thai food, mussels and BBQ Wings and argues that the peso looks better than the American dollar. Oh yeah, I think someone mentioned he owns a zebra.

Last but not least, Jenny owes Mike two dollars and Mike I'm sorry you lost your h-air. Oh and Singha is a bad word in Mexico.

Yep, I think this about covers it all. Right?

I think that sums it up in 116 words or less. (yes I did a word count, that is how bored at work I am :crafty: )

Scubababe, I love your avatar. I once had the pleasure to see Boticcell's "birth of venus" in person. It was a moving experience and I have been looking for the model ever since.

No luck so far though.

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