Should threadjacking be a crime?

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gasoline will get that right off.
in fact, a good overnight soak in kerosene right before a dive day will work wonders
for cleaning most gunk out of your regulators

(this is like, a joke, ok? kerosene is poisonous and shouldn't
come into contact with your mouth unless you've rinsed with
a solution of water and potassium)

(that is also a joke, ok? water and potassium blow up if
you mix them, unless, of course, you have mixed an acid
and a base in the same container before using the container
to mix water and potassium)
Hmmm What was the original topic????

Oh, If anyone finds a reg on the first reef near Hibiscus street give reeftrekker a SHOUT.

in fact, a good overnight soak in kerosene right before a dive day will work wonders
for cleaning most gunk out of your regulators
Will my regulators still be o2 clean? Or do I need to argon clean them? Wait... or was that o2 clean my argon reg? Crap I can't remember...
To clean a regulator PRIOR to O2 purification, a strong solution of baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and drano must first be thoroughly injected throughout the first stage and all hoses. Otherwise any oxygen remaining in the area may still contaminate the freshly cleaned surfaces. Lime is a common buildup that requires scrubbing if the vinegar mixture does not compltely clean the hose interiors. I'm sorry, what was the original question?

Um... only in critical situations.

Thought it was mock-Swedish for a second. Dang, I used to love the muppet show.
Ummmmmmm m m m,,,,, OK, I'm confused. That was 2 gallons of gasoline & a box of matches to clean what piece of dive gear?
Ummmmmmm m m m,,,,, OK, I'm confused. That was 2 gallons of gasoline & a box of matches to clean what piece of dive gear?
You need to rinse you gear with 140 deg F. water to kill zebra mussels.
Mike I owe you one...or two...
But nobody has mentioned how to clean BC's properly. What's up with that? I'll just mix a base and acid, that should do it the trick. Maybe throw some sulpher in with it.

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