Should threadjacking be a crime?

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We all do it - threadjacking is when we "turn" a thread from it's intended purpose by joking, replying with an alternative event or replying with a related question before the original is answered. As a result, the event or question gets lost and it can take a while to get through the thread, info is missed, or the original poster is ignored under his own topic.

We aren't all that bad here in Conch Divers, but "chatting" in a thread is a little like talking loudly while somebody is speaking to a group.

It's always irritated me, but of course I can be one of the worst offenders. When you see me threadjacking I hope you'll send me a PM. I'd do the same for you, as perhaps should we all.

Just a thought... YMMV of course!

Sometimes, I fall down.

cancun mark:
I think thread hijacking is bad, but on the other hand, the high price of gasoline in the US is really a good thing for divers in Mexico, particularly those that eat a lot of Thai food.

I think it is a conspiracy between Margret Thatcher and Fidel Castro!

LMAO....OMG...this is the best one!

June 1..check out Just got this from Sherwood/Genesis/Akona/AstroGlide, etc. etc.
tsk tsk... tsk tsk...

the verb "to affect" means to have an effect upon something... ( i hope my barfing doesn't affect your
view of me)

"effect" is a noun and means the consequences of an action
(i can only imagine what effect my barfing had on your opinon of me)

tsk tsk...

tsk tsk
Effect is also a verb:

2. ef•fect (transitive verb)

1: to cause to come into being <the citizens were able to effect a change in government policy>
2a: to bring about often by surmounting obstacles; accomplish <effect a settlement of a dispute> b: to put into operation <the duty of the legislature to effect the will of the citizens>
Usage: The confusion of the verbs affect and effect not only is quite common but has a long history. The verb effect was used in place of affect (1, above) as early as 1494 and in place of affect (2, above) as early as 1652.
Except when your topic is psychology, you will seldom need the noun affect.
When someone asks about what thickness wetsuit is appropriate for a particular dive location, I would like to think that the freaks of nature that regularly dive the icebergs in a thong would recognize that this is not the best forum for boasting of their prowess, and that the questioner would like to get reasonable answers that would apply to the average human being. (yes, I know that everyone has a different tolerance for cold, but you freaks know who you are.) But that's just me.Wristshot

PS: the entire world is not just Black and White; there are many shades of gray.

so you're telling us you where gray thongs????
And wouldn't it be great to watch Conjunction Junction while sipping a cool Singha and eating a microwaved burrito...
And wouldn't it be great to watch Conjunction Junction while sipping a cool Singha and eating a microwaved burrito...

I know what you're function would be after that one... :flush:
We all have the ability to ignore the unrelated threads and not reply to them and we can all put the thread back on the right course by just answering the original question. It's human nature to drift, were we not wanderers once.
tsk tsk
Effect is also a verb:

2. ef•fect (transitive verb)

well, jeeez.... everybody knows transitive verbs don't count...

besides, you're confusing the issue with facts
Can anybody give any tips on the correct technique for bubble gum chewing & blowing without getting the 2nd stage jammed up?
We ran a competition recently and it was a fiasco with all the stringy bits of gum sticking to the regs.

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