Should I wear a snorkel or not

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If you don't want to bother with a snorkel, that's fine. I really don't care. I'm not trying to convince you to carry one. What I don't understand, is why others try to convince people to NOT carry one! I can certainly understand there are times when you don't want it flopping around but why dog on others because they want to carry one? It's like a spare tire or a first aid kit or a reserve parachute. Maybe it's bothersome, in the way or uncomfortable. Personally, I feel more at ease knowing my spare tire is pumped up, my reserve chute is on my belly where it belongs and my snorkel is either on my head or in my knife straps where it belongs.

I can't speak for others, but I've NEVER tried to convince someone else not to carry a snorkel. I also never make fun of divers with snorkels on any dive boat. I have zero issue with others diving with a snorkel. I simply have zero interest in doing so. When asked on threads like this I am happy to share that I do not dive with one and why. I also try and point out that using one is a personal preference and each person needs to decide for themselves.

As to the event you described, you were there and I wasn't, but I strongly doubt either of you would have drowned without your snorkels. But I'm not willing to say you are wrong, just that I doubt that either of you would have drowned. But as you say, it is really impossible to say.
How do you loose a mask on a dive? In over fifty five years of diving, I have never known anybody to loose a mask while diving. I've had and seen them knocked off but we always just grabbed it and put it back on.

Who said he lost his mask? I said he had to switch to his backup mask.
Simple. All of that redundancy has a fundamental role to play in scuba diving. A snorkel does not.
So surfacing away from the boat or exist point and using the snorkel to get back safely doesn't count (just one example)?
So surfacing away from the boat or exist point and using the snorkel to get back safely doesn't count (just one example)?

His point is rarely is a snorkel actually required for such. One can back or side swim without issue.

If someone wants to use the snorkel they can but it is not required.
How do you loose a mask on a dive? In over fifty five years of diving, I have never known anybody to loose a mask while diving. I've had and seen them knocked off but we always just grabbed it and put it back on.

They didn't go thru a NAUI course :p
His point is rarely is a snorkel actually required for such. One can back or side swim without issue.

If someone wants to use the snorkel they can but it is not required.

Nothing is required, you can always make do with something else but there are tools that make it much easier, more efficient, more convenient and safer.
So surfacing away from the boat or exist point and using the snorkel to get back safely doesn't count (just one example)?

Nope. A snorkel is not required in those instances. Breath off the reg or breath the air surrounding your head. How is a snorkel required for either?
Nothing is required, you can always make do with something else but there are tools that make it much easier, more efficient, more convenient and safer.

Your right like breathing fully instead of through a tube. I'll take just regular unobstructed breathing any day, unless I want to look at things.

The difference is WANT vs NEED.

I have no problem with people WANTING to have a snorkel on there mask provided there configuration allows. But to say everyone NEEDS to have one is a false statement.
Nope. A snorkel is not required in those instances. Breath off the reg or breath the air surrounding your head. How is a snorkel required for either?
If you are very low or out of air or distance to exit point is too far?

I just came out of a dive an hour ago. Should I have swam the 600 meters out using my air from tank to swim out? Same for coming back?

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