Whilst on holiday I decided to do my Deep Diving Speciality. The following incident occurred.
I will give you the dive profile to help illustrate.....
1st Dive was to 130ft for 9 minutes (brings me to Pressure Group G)
Surface Interval 3.00hrs (Bringing me back to Pressure Group A)
2nd Dive was to 100ft for 18 minutes.
Now here is my concern.....
a) Using my RDP going to 40m (approx 130ft) gives me maximum of 9 minutes. This was fine. I then had a 3 hour SI and then dived to 100ft (approx 30m). Now using my RDP when I flip over to use table three my Residual Nitrogen is 3 and my Maximum bottom time is 17 minutes. As you can see I spent 18 minutes at 100ft (although not all 18 minutes were actually at 100ft.....probably more time spent at roughly 90ft!)
b) That I did two deep dives in one day (According to my RDP I should limit all repetitive dives to max of 30m (approx 100ft)
We only just about did our three minute safety stop. The thought of an EIGHT minute stop didn't even come into the Instructors mind!!!
When we got back on to the boat we had to wait for other divers (who hadn't gone so deep) for 10-15 minutes. Whilst waiting, the water (and therefore the boat) was very rough. It really made my head start spinning. My head was spinning for most of the evening and for a short period the next day!
Unless you are a Doctor I guess you wont make any sort of Diagnosis.....but I was slightly concerned that it may have been DCS.
I guess my question is, given the above Dive Profile....should I be worried about the fact that I went 1 minute over my limit without doing an 8 minute decompression (and the fact I did 2 deep dives in one day)???
By the way....I am 31, reasonably fit male!
Thanks in advance.
Ok I'm going to treat this as a "Click and Clack" puzzler
First, the 1 minute over and lack of increasing your safety stop to 8 minutes is a bit of a red herring.
Your instructor I'll bet was wearing a dive computer, and it may have said it was just fine to only make a 3 minute safety stop at 5 meters inspite of what your teaching materials says (PADI's deep specialty agrees with you btw).
Why a red herring? Because :
1) Even if you dove 1 minute less, you'd be at the limit, which is generally pushing things. If you had a computer on and it said you still had a minute of NDL prior to ascent, IMO that's pushing things too far. Other factors influencing DCS (which should be covered in your course) could negate those margins as "safe".
2) Assuming you only made a single safety stop after ascending from the deep to 5 meters, that's also not such a wise thing to do. There's a evidence that an additional half depth stop has far more influence on decreasing DCS likelyhood than taking a single long shallow safety stop.
3) If you research into it, "undeserved" DCS hits are not uncommon. DCS should better be analyzed by symptoms than exceeding mathematical models, IMO.
Anyway, congrats on taking the course and applying the knowledge to your diving. Sounds like you're on the right track to playing safe