Wow.....what a DB
...........I see it as trying to overcome a very serious disaster in the making, before it's too late, and becomes one of those ecological disasters that needs to be "sorted out"..............
That is OK Merxlin. We can just leave it to those arguing on behalf of Shark Finning and hope the world will come up with it's own "$700 Billion dollar disaster aversion" plan to dig itself out of the huge hole it has fallen into.
Why would we bother doing anything up front? That is just silly. Proactively trying to save the environment is not on some people's PC lists. Let's make people watch a video....that'll show them and we will have done ourt part.
FWIW I agree with you here. However this argument has gone on WAY too long and it is obvious that we really are going to just kill the planet as quickly as possible by the "PC Rules" attitudes of people. It is painful to think that people are willing to continue to argue on behalf of shark finning but I suppose it is the beauty of our free world: we are entitled to our opinion and an internet connection to try to impress that opinion on others.