Thanks for sharing your experience @rob.mwpropane !I have 3 dives on mine (so take this with that in mind), but coming from another drysuit I have some observations.
If you do get kevlar knee pads you can request to forgo the name "kevlar" in yellow. I like it better that way, looks less tacky. This is not an option, has to be requested.
Everybody has given you all good advice, just remember that these are all "add ons" and the suit will still be dry no matter what.
The only thing that I have to add would be my experience with the light monkey vs trigon p valves. I have both between the 2 suits and haven't had an issue with either that wasn't user error. The trigon is a little lower profile but the light monkey can be turned on / off from the outside. What I have been doing is letting some cleaner through and then shutting the valve off and letting it sit for ~ 20s or so. With the trigon there can't be any sitting. I find with my trigon I need to take apart and clean every ~ 6 months or so. With either you can pee... just pros and cons to either or.
I also have boots on one suit vs socks on the Seaskin. As of right now I kind of miss my boots, it was just one less thing to worry about or think about. My hope is that I get used to the socks and my tune changes in a few months... we'll see.
I love my suit... dove it today. 37f for 1hr 42m, was amazing. Used it to crawl all over the bottom of the Chesapeake in search of oysters (with my kevlar knee pads, lol). Thing is built like a tank, and feels so good in the water.
Good luck!!
I think I'll go with the balanced light monkey pee valve.
I hear you re the boots. For me it's my first drysuit so I'm used to dealing with wetsuit booties.

I think I prefer the socks due to faster drying, ability to turn suit inside out and also I understand there's less chance of floaty feet. I also like the flexibility to get whatever footware I'd like.