As for "buffing between coats", that is asking for trouble. Polishing compound will imbed in the pores of the metals, which could cause peeling down the road if not thoroughly removed. In addition, any time spent out of the bath (for polishing, let's say) will cause the metal to passivate and the metal will have to be reactivated before plating the next layer. This will, again, increase the odds of poor adhesion. So, keeping the parts out of the bath long enough to buff between each layer is neither necessary, nor is it conducive to a quality, trouble-free decorative chrome.
The proper way is to polish the base metal only, then electroclean and apply the layers of electroplate, one right after the other. The nickel layers are self-leveling and are what really give the decorative chrome its highly reflective property.QUOTE]
When doing a re-chrome it's the only way to get the pits out, plate, buff, plate, buff,...... All in the copper plate phase. If it's not right at the end of copper, it is not right.
I used to do a lot of hard chrome and sulfamate nickel on jurnals, that was easy - over plate and grind back to blue print.
If you want problems with keeping metal clean and active, try aluminum processing - zincate on aluminum just sucks........