The Eddy is stiffer. The standard Go-Sport has a little too much flex right at the toe. This softness shows up when frog kicking hard or even when doing a drag racer start flutter kicking. However, I have also explained this before, it is a minor issue with the Go-Sport. In contrast, flutter kicking, the Eddy feel like chunks of rubber but is great at frog kicks and also backs up just as good if not better than the Go-Sport.So is it the precurved blade of the GoSport Gorilla that makes it less optimal for frog kicking compared to the Eddys? Or is it that the Eddys are also stiffer than the Gorillas?
Disclaimer : I am a current GoSport and upcoming Gorilla fan …
So again, I think the Eddy is a great fin, especially for the more tech oriented diver who predominately frog kicks. The Go-Sport is a more comfortable and better all around versatile performer for the sport diver. The Eddy Flipper just exudes quality and with the nice springs straps too. The Go-Sport bungee is more comfortable to me and the Go-Sport too is a quality piece of dive equipment that will last many years of use.
Edit to add other Go-Sport qualities to my list above:
Not as slippery when walking on decks. Look at the bottom compared to the Eddy. See that contrasting silver S (black on the Gorilla), it is intentionally very sticky (compared to the monoprene) to help prevent slips.
The skegs, they can be color matched ( LSU) and they can be used like shoe taps to annoy other divers kitting up .
How cool is that! Do that with your Eddy Flippers! And she loves them, much better than her previous Quattros:
And an additional quality of the Go-Sport, it sculls very nicely. Sculling is turning the fins side to side like little propellers with my knees bent upwards using mostly my ankles to work the fins. It is a very gentle way to move forward sometimes in tight places without stirring the bottom and takes up less space to perform than frogs. And sculling is very precise for moving in on a critter subject to photo. The Go-Sport does this very well.
So in summary, yes, the Go-Sport is the BFE, Best Fin Ever!