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So where's this thread y'all are talking about? I'd like to know how to spot a newbie ... might take a picture of one while I'm in Cozumel if I can find one ... :eyebrow:

What to do with people who bug you? Laugh at them and they'll look like a dork ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
When I first came across this site I thought cool a place to exchange ideas and read about others experiences, but the more i read the more im statrting to the think alot of the people here (not all) need to do more diving and less internet surfing, what sparked me to write this was a post i just read about how to spot a newbie diver...who cares, everyone here started new at one point what would possess you to point out if someone is wearing splitfins or neoprene mask straps or a particular brand of gear, does it make you feel like a cooler diver if you can point out what you consider wrong on a new may be just me but thats wrong and will turn people off of this site, I dont caim to be anything more i dont flash around my number of dives my certifications and i dont think any one should, thats what those threads seem like a bunch of divers who think they are above others.. not cool.. and there have been other threads in the past that have made me question why i even bother reading this stuff for instance the lady who was "so sick" of people doing shallow dives with Nitrox stickers on there tanks...there can be many reasons its not hurting you mind your own of the best things about this sport is the people i have met along the way, i have never once thought of making my self seem higher than others by flaunting my diving style / gear, or putting down thiers , If this is what this site is about that you guys are the minority, and soon will be talking to just yourselfs.

I have a question for the original poster.

Do you listen to songs on the radio that you don't like? Do you watch TV shows that you don't enjoy? Probably not. If you're like most people you'll change the channel.

The same goes on a forum. If you don't like a thread, then it's our of your sight with one mouse click. Click away and move on.
Like Warren said, there are jerks in every aspect of life. I ave never seen anyone put down divers out in the real world of diving. You got to remember that some people come here just to stir the pot. The other 99% of us are pretty good people.

Comrade Stroke

Edit- where is this "spotting a newbie" thread? I couldn't find it.

Unfortunately, the 1% who are jerks often post half of the comments, and it is hard to avoid them until you get to know the personalities of the frequent posters here.
Try this for a little excitement:

If you think this SCUBABoard is rough, that place has driven folks to suicide.

Been there, done that, got the degree: C.I.D.

Lighten up, have fun. There are goons all over the internet. Make the distinction between good natured poking :1poke: versus internet weasels. Ignore the latter.
I agree. I have not read the thread you refer to, I think it was the one about divings equivalent of the orange poop shovel for spotting a newbie. As a newbie I would be insulted, because as a years long backpacker I did carry such a tool for in those days it was considered impolite not to bury your poop, but I digress.

I came over to this site because I got tired of the histrionics that accompanied each discussion on another site where those who saw it as their job to defend orthodoxy or define what it means to be a cool diver just killed any discussion.

I have not found that to be the experience on Scubaboard because I judiciously try to avoid threads that seem to indicate that topic will come up.

The pop up summary of the first question is a pretty good indicator. Please do not give up on the site, as I have found it to be a pretty good source. When I was a newbie diver, a couple of fellow divers by the name of Steve McCollough, Ed Stetson, Dennis Divins, and Mark Bursek showed me a lot of tricks about diving and abalone hunting and other things. They were good guys who only seemed to judge your ability on two things, your willingness to go diving and to learn. They did not bag on a lot of people, but did note that behavior rather than appearance was a good indicator of diving ability. I think we need a lot more of them. I try to live up to their example, but sometimes fall short. I have found a great number of people like them on this board.
This forum is no different from many other very popular forums. I frequent a few others on various subjects..and it's all the same. There are great folks, folks that nit pick, fanboys that get highly offended, attackers, defenders, whiners, contributors, post count stackers, know it alls, God Complex, trolls, alternate egos, elitists...I could go on and on.

You need a thick skin to post.

It's almost impossible to communicate irony, sarcasm, a wink or nod....all those communication queues you get in face 2 many times posts are taken too literally or just wrong.

People will post something they would NEVER say to your face.

When in doubt, offended or pissed off, just sit back and :popcorn: rather than fuel the fire.
In my profession, you have to accept that 1 out of 5 clients are crazy (or on psychotropic drugs - myself included). If you see your customers from that perspective, you would be much less offended by them.

You get all types of personalities here, just like in the common life - histrionics, narcissitic, obsessive compulsive (me), paranoia, and simply crazies.

Once you understand that, and ignore the folks who stab at your side, you are less likely to get upset at them, and you try not to get them upset at you.

I have learned alot of very good information here. More so than I did in my OW and AOW class. What you learn here, you don't have to learn in real life, in the water.
I dunno, but personally I love this board. Its true, I do more net-surfing than diving (not by choice, its cold outside), but SB has become like high-quality crack to me :D

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