Scuba Limericks

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If sand is what it is you fear
Perhaps it isn't in your gear

If drain is where you find it at
It might just be in you, you brat

So clean yourself from head to toe
And next time this happens, let us know
Tiger shark, bat ray
Wobbegong, eppaulette shark
Blue, white, bronze, nurse, bull
If sand is what it is you fear
Perhaps it isn't in your gear

If drain is where you find it at
It might just be in you, you brat

So clean yourself from head to toe
And next time this happens, let us know

And what did I specifically do to chap your hiney this week?

I think it's herb who has sand in his gear
I'd go so far as to guess maybe in his rear
I don't recall doing anything THAT annoying
So hopefully he's just toying
Regardless I will not soon be running in fear
The MOFers poetry is quite lame
Don't know how to play the game
They lack the form
Don't know the norm
Yet personal dynamics are the same. :)
The best dive buddy on the planet is named John
He always helps me get my gear on
He thinks of everything
Nothing he forgot to bring
What can I say about dives with him? C'est ci bon!
Silvery bubbles rise
Clouds of the sea are born
They dance in the light.
Having a touchy rental octo really sucks
And for this I paid ten bucks?
It will now be known as the octo from hell!
Oh well at least the rental octos don't smell
Anybody else with this problem is wished better lucks

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