Scuba Limericks

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In the scuba limerick thread we all come to play
Since we're all friends we don't much watch what we say
While the limericks are supposed to be scuba they go the full range
It is pretty concrete and not likely to soon change
Come join the fun and write a limerick today!
Your plea to write is more than bad
In fact I'd say it's pretty sad

From scuba theme this prose has strayed
Had mods their way you'd all be spayed

Though often I am short on wit
More often I don't give a ****

So give in now to Gidds request
Give it more than wet rats best
Nice sonnet, herb. :wink:
Cool calm lapping waves
Beautiful swimming small fish
Watching my breath rise
to give the herbinator more gastro-intestinal turbulence with my lurid poetry :evil:

Caressing water
The ocean is my lover
Quite unrequieted...

Rings of air hang and shimmer
Sunlights last glimpse hangs on a waves crest
Last lights final kill spirals to the bottom
Making out in limericks?
There is sand in my scuba gear
Tiny golden grains I have begun to fear
Sand in my gear causes me to complain
Furthermore it's annoying to clean from the shower drain
At my nemesis sand I shall sneer!

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