SCUBA Gear Storage Outside

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>Boy, I don't even know what a dirt dobber is. Doesn't look like anything I want in
>my reg. Thought spiders were bad.

Hmm....if it's the same as what we called mud-dobbers up north, it's a bee that makes it's nest with mud, usually under the eaves on porches or on the bottom side of rafters in your garage, etc. Always in annoying places where you don't want bees. :) As bees go, they're about some of the most harmless. Normally.

I'd hate to be the poor bloke that took a pull off that reg.
You can cough through a reg, puke through a reg....but can you spit a wasp out through one? Better yet, can you do it again when you switch to your octo to clear the nest out of the primary and discover another one there?

Then there is the fact that I am so scared of bees that I'd rather get hit then inhale one underwater.....and if I were driving and one suddenly flew out of my reg, I would do ANYTHING, including hitting ANYTHING on the side of the road in an attempt to get the heck out of that car. I was playing hide and seek with my dad in my grandmother's front yard when I was maybe 5? Anyways, I hid on top of a yellow jacket nest--they make them underground up there. I was stung 5 times and because I'd never been stung before, they had to take me to the hospital to make sure I wasn't allergic. So everytime I see anything in my peripheal vision that looks at all like something that both flies and has stinging potential, I remember how freaking scary it was being stung by 5 yellow jackets, and I remember this little Lego toy car my mom bought me to take my mind off the fact that I was in pain at the doctor's office. It's the bees that scare me though, not the toy car.

So yeah, reg goes inside for sure! And since bees can be in your wetsuit, put it inside. And they could make nests in the rubbermaid, so put it inside too. And get rid of any porch you have. And any rafters, those have to go too. Trees and are no-no. Spray your entire house down daily with Raid wasp killer and you will be ok.
My advice for the wasp problem is chew thoroughly before swallowing wouldn’t want it walking around too much. But as for the gear I keep it inside where it will be secure and dry. I think most of the stuff is recommended as being stored at 50-80F but you might check your documentation on those numbers.

Henry Morgan:
>Boy, I don't even know what a dirt dobber is. Doesn't look like anything I want in
>my reg. Thought spiders were bad.

Hmm....if it's the same as what we called mud-dobbers up north, it's a bee that makes it's nest with mud, usually under the eaves on porches or on the bottom side of rafters in your garage, etc. Always in annoying places where you don't want bees. :) As bees go, they're about some of the most harmless. Normally.

I'd hate to be the poor bloke that took a pull off that reg.

Yeah.. they're called mud dobbers down here also, but more commonly called dirt dobbers here. They look like wasps but make a mud nest that's either round or sometimes in a long row.

They aren't agressive though or don't sting... maybe if you made them really mad they would sting, but not near as bad as wasps or yellow jackets.

Luckily that guy took it in for servicing before he used it, so he never breathed off it.

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