to get the actual address PADI has listed, yes.... to see if he's on the website for PADI, no.
If you know their name and birthday, you can get anyone's PADI cert info ......
and even order a new card with their name on it. PADI just wants your $20 bucks.
but once he' confirms it's on there.... A warrant/court order is easy to do and get the information where he listed with his certification address.
The warrant is only there to protect the company from liability of release of items covered under privacy laws. It shows theres legal court justification for the release.
A subpoena is needed, not a warrant...The detective has NO jurisdiction in CA. to serve a S/W or a Court Order...and does not have the means to leave an inventory..If PADI does business in his state he only need to FAX a subpoena( To Cali) to get the suspects address. If its a Federal Case then a Grand Jury Subpoena is necessary..