Scuba diver arrest warrant - dale batt *please read*

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Leisure Pro and PADI were great suggestions. Both checked...nothing new. Keep the suggestions coming.....I've learned more about scuba diving then I ever thought I would....for a guy who spends most of his off-time with horses! :cowboy:

yeah... but does he dive "split fins" or "paddle/jet fins"? we've got to know....

because on here, someone is going to take an exception about it! :idk:

Leisure Pro and PADI were great suggestions. Both checked...nothing new. Keep the suggestions coming.....I've learned more about scuba diving then I ever thought I would....for a guy who spends most of his off-time with horses! :cowboy:

What exactly is his warrant for, (VOP..??) and is it in NCIC..?? Have you requested a U.F.A.P. ....??
All Good questions. Warrant is technically a Probation Violation / Sentencing Violation. He was convicted of 3rd Degree Assault (assault causing substantial bodily harm to a family member) and was given a 5 year prison sentence. The judge stayed the prison sentence on conditions he go to all ordered treatment and abide by the probation conditions. He did none of this. (no surprise to us!) His warrant has been listed on NCIC since 2000. UFAP's are usually only an option when the suspect crosses state lines and resides in a state other than the one that issued the warrant.
Send him a thing in the mail saying that he's won a "Free Bigscreen TV" or an "all inclusive everything included getaway".

It worked for our local police.

They rented a banquet room at the Holiday Inn and sent out "freebie" postcards to everyone in town that had a warrant out for their arrest to their last known address or a relatives address. It's amazing how a relative that once said he didn't know where they were could find them when a free big screen TV offer shows up.

So they all show up to the event, and line up at the sign in table where they have to register and show picture ID and verify who they are.

Then they go into the banquet room, only to be arrested and sat in a chair to await the next person coming in....

They arrested over a hundred people that day and all got a "All expenses paid getaway" to the local jail. :thumb:
Send him a thing in the mail saying that he's won a "Free Bigscreen TV" or an "all inclusive everything included getaway".

It worked for our local police.

They rented a banquet room at the Holiday Inn and sent out "freebie" postcards to everyone in town that had a warrant out for their arrest to their last known address or a relatives address. It's amazing how a relative that once said he didn't know where they were could find them when a free big screen TV offer shows up.

So they all show up to the event, and line up at the sign in table where they have to register and show picture ID and verify who they are.

Then they go into the banquet room, only to be arrested and sat in a chair to await the next person coming in....

They arrested over a hundred people that day and all got a "All expenses paid getaway" to the local jail. :thumb:

Love it
Send him a thing in the mail saying that he's won a "Free Bigscreen TV" or an "all inclusive everything included getaway".

It worked for our local police.

They rented a banquet room at the Holiday Inn and sent out "freebie" postcards to everyone in town that had a warrant out for their arrest to their last known address or a relatives address. It's amazing how a relative that once said he didn't know where they were could find them when a free big screen TV offer shows up.

So they all show up to the event, and line up at the sign in table where they have to register and show picture ID and verify who they are.

Then they go into the banquet room, only to be arrested and sat in a chair to await the next person coming in....

They arrested over a hundred people that day and all got a "All expenses paid getaway" to the local jail. :thumb:

They've done similar busts in our area. Only problem is, they have to have an address to send the postcard to.
They've done similar busts in our area. Only problem is, they have to have an address to send the postcard to.

they sent a lot of them to relatives addresses, or last known addresses, or ex-wives addresses.... just whatever address they could get for a person.

It's amazing how a relative can find them when a free Big Screen TV is involved and let them know about it. :thumb: :rofl3:
I would like to see a variant of that done here in Houston with ICE. Send postcards to suspected illegals for all expense paid bus trip to the casinos. Pack that bus full and start heading towards the border. Wonder how long before they'd figure out they weren't headed towards the casinos?

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