Good day all. Scopolamine is just about the bees knees (to me). It's really saved any idea I had of diving from a boat. Last year I was able to get it on ebay but all the links are dead and I can't find anywhere that sells it online. It is by prescription only, but it's not a narcotic so before anyone decides to hang me out to dry as far as I know it's 100% legal to purchase non narcotic drugs for personal use (at least that's what I tell myself and I'm comfortable believing

). Everywhere else in the world it's sold OTC, but as you well know here in the states it's not "what you can do" it's "who you know" when it comes to big pharma.
Few questions;
Does anyone know a source to get it, please pm me if you're not comfortable posting. I was getting them for ~ $2 / patch before (I think)?
If you do get them with a prescription (which I'm not 100% opposed to) what do you pay here in the states? That's the worst part about getting a prescription... taking off work, seeing a doctor, getting a prescription... just to find out the price is ludicrous. What a joke.
Not really looking for other suggestions, Scopolamine is amazing. It's the only thing that I'm after. Thanks all!!!