SB (extended) weekend

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Fred, the lines at Peacock are far enough out into OW for me, I am confident I could find my way up from the end of the line and will do this dive again using the same protocols.

yes me too. we're talking less than three feet in.

You run your line into the system then tie it into the mainline right after it starts. The mainline is permanent and doesn't move (except by the correct authority).

I personally don't like Paradise, it gets blown out very quickly and is certainly an overhead environment dive, even though it is advertised as OW. There's no need to run a line because of the location of the novice line. Were you diving computers or tables on this dive?

Fred, the lines at Peacock are far enough out into OW for me, I am confident I could find my way up from the end of the line and will do this dive again using the same protocols.


I simply say stick to the normal line protocal. If you choose to side step them, Be my guest. And you said I color outside the lines.
No wait a minute, I said that!!!!
There are things not even I will for-go. If you follow how accidents happen Not running a continuous line is one of the main factors.
The simplest of things can get you in trouble.
This is just how I do things, Pat said the same thing about the ear at Ginnie, I still ran the line. All 10' of it. It's good practice anyway.
Ben I'm confident you would find your way out too. So was the guy at Crystal River 2 weeks ago. When he drown.
If we ever dive together, trust me, I'll run a line. Carry 3 lights. and 3 reels. Spare mask, 2 computers. 2 cutting utensils.
I think you get my point.
Some things you just don't mess with.
No disrespect ment.
that's good practice, fred.

my view is that the rules are there for a reason, to make sure that if something
happens, you are prepared.

in the last three feet of cavern at Peacock, having three lights won't help, and you can be sure that having a safety line from the mainline three feet out won't help.

also, there is a big difference between

(a) going into an overhead environment with no training, with no buddy, with "10-15" minutes of air left in your tank, where there is no mainline, without laying line


(b) having a cavern diver and a cave diver with full equipment, in sight of the gold line, decide that running a reel three feet is unecessary.

i think :wink:
Well, theres no point in arguing. Get the training, then make up your own mind. Everyone can do things however they want.
Lets take worst case.
It's dark outside. there's duckweed covering the opening. You have a gear problem and get stressed. Oh lets say your tanks is falling off your back. Your primary light goes out. You get turned around and hung up with you tank and it pulls the reg out you mouth. In your panic you lose you mask. 3 ft is a long way if you heading the wrong derection.
Point being why break protocol.
I'm sure the guy in crystal river said the same thing and I'm just as sure that his family wishes he had followed his open water protocol.
Why is it we never have time to do it right the first time but have time to do a second. There is no reason to break basic protocol.
"It's dark outside. there's duckweed covering the opening"

but it wasn't and there wasn't... had there been different conditions, our decision
might have been different.
I personally don't like Paradise, it gets blown out very quickly and is certainly an overhead environment dive, even though it is advertised as OW. There's no need to run a line because of the location of the novice line. Were you diving computers or tables on this dive?

I dont mind Paradise, but there isnt much to do there, but it is not so bad for training or practicing stuff - even though the cost is now $30 in line with Blue Grotto and Devils Den - cheek of it!

We understood how the line ran and how that worked, but i guess these other two hadnt been there and didnt quite know the routine. We were diving computers (our new Suunto Vypers), but even so we would have had 25mins on EAD with the 31%, we left the platform after 6 or so mins and left the bottom (~98ft max poking my head into the deeper hole) at around 18mins, so we werent even going to violate table NDLs - but we had loads left on the computers, by the time we got up to 45ft did a little stop and poked around there then up to the platform part again, it was around 25mins and we hung out there for the rest of the dive (approx 18 more mins to 43 total) - didnt think it was a bad profile apart from hanging about at the beginning. I would have to get my computer out (which isnt with) to give you exact times etc, but that is rough profile.
Frankly Fred, you weren't there, so you are not in a position to correctly question my actions. We did not break proper protocol and were carrying the required equipment, most importantly our grey matter. You're pushing the possible situations to their limit, there was no duckweed at P1, nor did we have the gas to stay down til dark. I am confident enough in my ability to find my way out in the worst POSSIBLE scenario you presented, wether it be lost mask, no light, tank slippage problems, even all of them combined and without assistance from my buddy (VERY unlikely with Andy) to bet my life on it, because I did. To compare me to the diver at Crystal River is personally insulting.


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