Save Ginnie Springs

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I look a LOT dumber, thank you very much! And remember, looks are deceiving. At least in some cases. Maybe not in mine, but I like the saying anyway. And look out for stray globules of fast moving heavy metal, you wouldn't want to trip over one or anything. Might be bad for your pretty boy smile. Wouldn't want that, God knows you don't have anything else going for you.
No, I intend to leave you on the bottom of the Santa Fe. Does that answer your question in it's entirety?:mooner: (Dang, I love that lil' guy!)


Da Beano
We have a couple of extra people who might be coming to camp the night with us, non-divers, so possibly there might be surface support for kayaks etc. Can we rent or can they give us canoes or innertubes to tie off the bags too? We might need more mesh bags than just dive gear bags - where do you find such things? What are Ginnie supplying?
my understanding from Ginnie is that they provide a few canoes for us to load garbage into. I also understand that Ginnie handles the shore based cleanup. I'm not sure what the particulars are. I just inherited a large green truck! If I can get my kayak repaired by this weekend, It will be awesome for loading up cans and stuff. The kayak's seats have been removed and it is a sit-in type of kayak. To be nicked, the SCOW, short for seacow? :wink: I will bring the banner and we can attempt to takeover a pavillion as soon as we get in, if they aren't all reserved.
Next kes'tee own... WHO GOT DAT DERE RUM TOTE?!
Acquired a wee taste for the rum bottle, have we now?

I am not sure if Ginnie is supplying the canoes or not, but there will be canoes topside to deposit the trash in. Ginnie is also waiving admission and giving free air fills for participants in the cleanup.

Surface support will be good to help unload the bags into the canoes, drop rocks on Ken's head, etc. I can't promise that Ginnie will waive their admission fees, though I could try and find out if anyone likes.
If I read Gary's (the guy who has set this up) website correctly, he is working with a class starting at noon, so I imagine the whole shidig will be wound up sometime shortly before then.
How long are we looking at being there? (*thinking about abusing the "free air" priviledge ;-)

Note: The air is ALWAYS free ... Putting it into those containers thats what costs money...Or so I am told...

Da Beano

P.S. The above , of course , excludes any mixture of High-test grades.

Bubba's Scuba Training Manual , page 2 states:
"All Breathy thingies will be installed on a air-carrying contanah."

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