Saturday After Thanksgiving Dive and Picnic (East Coast)

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Yeah he is awesome!

Trying to get him to post . . . I think sending him to MOF right now might be a bit much for him though :rofl3:
Yes true ... but we are harmless :wink:
Could someone post directions and exact location of the picnic & parking area for those of us who haven't been to BHB before.

Thanks a bunch.
Gobble, gobble
So what time is everyone getting to the bridge Saturday morning?
I plan on being there on Thanksgiving morning. I'll post a conditions update after the dive.

The BBQ sounds like fun but our group will have to skip it since we got blown out last weekend for a boat trip. We are doing the AM Bridge dive and then heading to for a single tank dive boat trip. I'll stop by and say hello before we go.

Conditions were fantastic this morning. Viz was 30'+. I had water temp readings of 74-76F. It sure felt pretty warm since it was 50 F when we showed up at 7 am. We should continue to have great conditions all weekend.

Now its time to eat. Happy Turkey day!
Could someone post directions and exact location of the picnic & parking area for those of us who haven't been to BHB before.

Thanks a bunch.
Gobble, gobble

Kelly how was your dive this morning :wink:

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