Saturday After Thanksgiving Dive and Picnic (East Coast)

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I will have one guest in tow as well :wink: so that makes me two :wink: or something like that:blinking:
I'll be there with two tweens. I'll probably do a beach dive from Breakers in the afternoon as well. In case anyone wants to join me. Hopefully find a few bugs.
I'll check the list and bring some things not on the list.
The vis should be decent if the wave forecast holds. If I am not on a boat dive on saturday there should be a reasonable chance that I could get my dive buddies to go.
The viz at the bridge was only about 3' today, so most people scrapped it.

I would call the viz 3-3.5'. :) Also the Water temp was 72F. Brrr...we were not expecting that.

Our group was doing Search and Recovery training and the low visibility worked great. We didn't try to dive to the deeper section of the west bridge. We did a surface swim and then started our descent on a reference line that we set.

After the drills, we then made our way back to the entry point underwater, It was a good 10 min swim that tested our navigation skills and we ended the dive about 40' from the entry point which was close enough for me. Also having lights worked great to keep track of the group.

I plan on being there on Thanksgiving morning. I'll post a conditions update after the dive.

The BBQ sounds like fun but our group will have to skip it since we got blown out last weekend for a boat trip. We are doing the AM Bridge dive and then heading to for a single tank dive boat trip. I'll stop by and say hello before we go.
The BBQ sounds like fun but our group will have to skip it since we got blown out last weekend for a boat trip. We are doing the AM Bridge dive and then heading to for a single tank dive boat trip. I'll stop by and say hello before we go.

Did you mention the Scuba Club? Here is a free download to get the single dive trip at half price.
Download PDF Brochures about Palm Beach County Florida
Ok Guys.
I did not want to commit until I knew the status of my Turkey fryer.
Well today I found out my fryer will not be returned by the weekend.
What is needed? I figure I can bring beverages and Cranberry relish which goes well with turkey and pumpkin pie. And anything else as needed. I am local.
Say the word.
Cranberry relish is always good. Do you have untensils such as a carving knife, serving utensils, and such? I don't think anybody has mentioned bringing them. Also, ice might be nice. Aluminum foil or saran wrap for leftovers. Others may have more suggestions.
Would love to, Al, but with Frank moving out the end of this week, I can't do more than 1 boat trip a month from now on, and you know I already have plans on Friday for a 3 tanker. So I guess I'll just have to hang around the picnic and drink your rum. :D

I talked to Dave today, and so far... Kathleen, Riley and I are the only ones on the afternoon boat. So... he has me penciled in on the morning boat. If he gets enough to go out in the afternoon, I'll do the bridge and the Little Deeper... if not... I'll see you after the morning trip.
I talked to Dave today, and so far... Kathleen, Riley and I are the only ones on the afternoon boat. So... he has me penciled in on the morning boat. If he gets enough to go out in the afternoon, I'll do the bridge and the Little Deeper... if not... I'll see you after the morning trip.

That works, too. That way you'll be able to stay longer and enjoy the picnic. I need to go diving with Dave someone soon. It's been a while since we had any club dives, and I've been busy doing all those other dives. It'll be fun to dive with Skeeter again, too, though I guess by now she has a different nickname?
Cranberry relish is always good. Do you have untensils such as a carving knife, serving utensils, and such? I don't think anybody has mentioned bringing them. Also, ice might be nice. Aluminum foil or saran wrap for leftovers. Others may have more suggestions.

I have trauma shears . . .

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